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Help in finding family


Rose Greathouse Balas:
I am trying to find information on my family of Greathouse`s . I have found out that my grandfather Harvey `s mothers name was Annis Gilpin .He was born in Louisville Kentucky in the late 1800`s . He had a brother named Harry .This is about all that we know about the history of the family on his side . I would deeply appreceate it if we could get some more information on his side of the family . I can be contacted a  ( ) . Thank you !        Rose


I found two Gilpins.

One in the orphan file: Annie Gilpin abt. 1860 of Jackson County WV married  20 Feb. 1881 in Cottageville Jackson CO, WV to Thomas Greathouse abt 1854 of Harrison Co , WV: Source: Marriage Records, Jackson Co., WV. No other information.

The 2nd in the John and Catharina Haack file: Larry Gilpin married to Patricia Lowe. We have more information on Patricia but not Larry.

Annie could be your Annis, please share any new information you gather.


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