Author Topic: What are the benefits of using our forum vs our mailing list?  (Read 10156 times)


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What are the benefits of using our forum vs our mailing list?
« on: August 23, 2008, 04:27:57 PM »
What are the benefits of using our forum vs our mailing list?

1) Less email from our project's members, which must be sorted out from all of the spam that you may receive, if you want to keep the emails from our project's members for future reference.

2) In our forum, any topics posted, may be edited by the original author or by the Admin of the forum at anytime. Topics may also be deleted by the original author or forum Admin at any time.

However, with our mailing list that is not possible. All email sent to our mailing list can not be edited once sent. If you want to correct an error in an email, you must revise the error and then resend a copy of that email. Also all email sent to our mailing list is archived at RootsWeb, where once those emails are archived there, they can not be edited. Although, emails available in the archives at RootsWeb , can be deleted at any time, upon request.

3) With our forum as a resource available at Greathouse Point, our group's members may visit our forum, of their own accord, when ever they would like to know about updates, that have been made available at Greathouse Point, since their last visit. Therefore, use of our forum, in favor of our mailing list, will minimize the number of emails that members of our group receive, which will minimize any time that may spend sorting emails from our group's members, that they would like to keep, from all of the other spam that they receive.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2008, 01:40:56 AM by Rick »
Admin, Guild Greathouse Forum