Author Topic: railroads  (Read 9210 times)


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« on: May 02, 2004, 07:02:08 PM »
Researcher Gladys Treadway kindly gave her permission to post this research tip.

"..our county just had an all day conference last Saturday and had
topics which we had gone over many times but out of all the info you will
always learn something as I did this time.  He was talking about
marriages and not being able to locate one in the county where they lived
or close. So he said if there was a railroad going thru the area, check to
see which way it would go to a larger city and check it out as some did
go that way to get married.  One thing we had never thought of, the
railroad as a means of transportation for a marriage. We knew of course
they used it for trips and such, so you just never know what you will

Gladys Treadway