Author Topic: Charles Henry Greathouse, Sr and Sadie Marie Steddom Greathouse  (Read 11701 times)


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These are my grandparents.   Grandpa Charley was born circa 1887, Saint Patricks Day and Grandma Sadie was several years his junior.  He lived to be 94 and remained active all his life; climbing his last tree about a month before he passed.  Grandma was less lucky in health, tho she lived to be 97.  She. broke her hip several years before her death and was never able to walk very well even with a walker.  They had 5 children.  Lucille Lukits, Margaret Wagner, Frances Erickson and Fern Russell were the girls and my father was the youngest, Charles Henry Greathouse, Jr.  Grandpa had sisters; Sarah Law, Neppie Marie Melton, Katherine Whiteman.  He also had 2 half brothers; John and Ridgley by a second marriage.

Lucille and Ted Lukits did not have children but made great contributions to the art world.  Margaret and George Wagner had two children Barbara Higa Swasey and Edwin Charles Wagner.  Frances and Don Erickson had 2 daughters,  Yvonne de Graffenreid and Janet Spleithoff.  Fern Russell died young leaving 2 boys; John Robert Russell and William Russell.  Dad and Mom (Annabelle) had 6 kids.  I am the oldest Mary Greathouse Duffy, Melvin Charles Greathouse,  Martha Lynn Mills and Marcia Ann Sinclair, Laura Elaine Miller and Henry Lee Greathouse.  I have info in a box somewhere, that shows our lineage all the way back to Hermann Groethausen.  I also have a leather bound church registry handwritten, showing where Catherine Waring became Greathouse.  There is so much more to tell before I can no longer remember it.