Guild Projects (posting requires registration) > Solomon Greathouse and Catherine Little

New Member


Hi, my name is Melissa Greathouse and I just found this site yesterday.  I don't have a lot of information about my family, but I found (through Lynn's help) that I and my family come from this line.  My great grandfather's name is Harley Greathouse, who fathered my grandfather, Robert.  Robert (whom I never met) was married to my grandmother and had my father, Paul David (he goes by Dave)but they divorced quickly and my grandfather remarried.  If anyone has any information on any of the Greathouse's in Indianapolis, I would certainly appreciate it.  About 7 years ago I met a girl by the name of Julie Greathouse whose family came from Southern Indiana.  She was related to the Judge.  I believe his name was Larry, but they just called him the Judge. I am looking forward to getting to know people, as I have always wondered about my father's side.  Prior to yesterday, I thought we were of English and Irish descent...I was surprised when I found out it was German.  

I hope to start developing some relationships, especially before I lose my last name.  I am getting married in July, so anything Greathouse related is especially sentimental right now.

Until then,


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