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Topics - dnmuxo

Pages: [1]
Queries / Susan Elizabeth Greathouse
« on: August 18, 2006, 03:43:00 PM »
I have a picture of Susan Elizabeth Talley, wife of Early Greathouse, which I think that Rick is going to add to this post.

My grandmother, Floy Edith Talley, used to say the picture was of her great-great aunt Susan Greathouse. The picture appears to have been "doctored" to indicate that Susan had something to do with the Civil War, perhaps a nurse. I am skeptical because, although I believe that Susan would have been the correct age during the Civil War, I believe that she still had several young children at home.

If anyone recognizes the picture, or if you are just interested in the Talleys, please send me an email.

The families that I am researching are the McPhersons (my direct line), the Talleys, the Grishams, and many others.

Dave Muxo (McPherson/Talley from my mother's side)

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