Author Topic: Re: New Mexico Greathouse Line  (Read 11246 times)

NM Greathouse

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Re: New Mexico Greathouse Line
« on: April 25, 2006, 12:54:17 AM »
Hi Bob,
I'm the granddaughter of Herb Greathouse, Alice's Hughes's brother. All Herb's kids and grandkids try to get to the cabin on Willie Smith Greathouse's homestead (Herb & Alice's father) at least once a year. It's a really wonderful, gorgeous place. After Willie Smith died, the homestead property was divided among his children. The cabin is on the property that was left to Alice, so it's in the Hughes family now, and the Greathouse family has adjacent property that has the old barn and the remains of the original shanty they lived in while building the cabin (according to my mom, Herb's second child).
I'm so glad you posted about NM Greathouses!


Quote from: "Bob Neal"
Hey Newbe here,

Signature shows relationship.  I looking for more data on the Greathouse familes that settled in Regina New Mexico before 1912. My Grandfather settled there in the 1920s.

Recently met Bill Huges(Alice Greathouse) and found I still have relatives that are still useing the homesteaded property out there.

Have not been there since Granddad, Robert Neal, Jr., was buried in Regina in 1941.  My Grandmother and twin brother and sister are also buried there.

Would love to make contact with long lost cousins.