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Greathouse Point > Greathouse Archives > USA > MD > Baltimore County |
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Greathouse of Baltimore County, MD Do you have any Greathouse kith and kin who resided in Baltimore County, MD? If so, please join us in our efforts to better document the Greathouse kith and kin who lived in this county, by sending your additions and corrections to Greathouse Point. 1765, Apr 20 - Land: Benjamin Waygers to "Harman Gratehouse", Watsons Trust Benjamin Wagers to Harman Gratehouse } Deed [ Page 206 | Page 207 | Page 208 ] This Indenture made this 20th Day of April Anno Dom. One Thousand seven Hundred an sixty five Between Benjamin Wayger of Baltimore County Planter of one Part and Harman Gratehouse of the aforesaid County Blacksmith of the other part-. Witnesseth that the said Benjn. Wayger for and in Consideration of the Sum of thirty Pounds current Money to him the said Benjn. Wayger in Hand paid by the said Harman Gratehouse at and before the Ensealing and Delivery of these Presents the Receipt whereof He the said Benjn Wayger doth hereby acknowledge Hath Given Granted Bargaines Sold Aliened Enteofted and Confirmed and by these Present Doth fully and absolutely Give Grant Bargain Sell Aliened Enteofte and Confirm unto him the said Harman Gratehouse one Moiety or Parcel of Land being Part of a Tract of Land called Watsons Trust situated and lying in the Fork between the northern and western Falls of Patapsco River in Baltimore County the said Moiety or Parcel of Land Beginning at the End of the ninth Course of the aforesaid Wattsons Trust and runs north eighty three Degrees West Forty one Perches then south thirty five Degrees west forty five Perches then South Seventy nine East forty Perches then by a straight Line to the first Beginning Place containing and laid out for ten Acres of Land more or less together with all and singular the Premises and appertinances there unto belonging or in any wise appertaining. To Have and To Hold the said Ten Acres of Land and Premises with their appurtenances - unto him the said Harman Gratehouse his Heirs and assigns forever. To the sole proper Use and Behoof of him the said Harman Gratehouse his Heirs and assigns forever and to none other Use Intent or Purpose whatsoever And the said Benjamin Wayger f [illegible] and his Heirs Executors administrators doth hereby agree to and with the said Harman Grathouse his Heirs and Assigns that he the said Benjamin Wayger at the Time of the Ensealing and Delivery hereof hath in himself good Right full Power and lawful Authority to give grant Bargain Sell alien enfeoffe and confirm the afd. Land and Premises unto the said Harman Grathouse his Heirs and Assigns forever and that afd. Land and Premises at the Time of the ensealing and Delivery hereof is free and clear off from all and every former Bargains Sails and all other Incumbrances whatsoever and that this present Grant and Sale of the said Land and Premises to him the said Harman Gratehouse his Heirs and assignes for ever shall and will warrant and forever defend of and from all and all manner of Persons whatsoever claiming any Right Title or Interest unto by former under him the Benjamin Wayger his Heirs and Assignes or by from or under him them or either of them and lastly the said Benjamin Wayger doth covenant promise and agree for himself and his Heirs and Assigns that he the said Benjamin Waygers his Heirs Executors Administrators shall and will from Time to Time and at all Times hereafter at the reasonable Request and at the Costs and Charges in the Law of him the said Harman Gratehouse his Heirs and Assigns make such further and others Grant and Assurance for the more sure making and confirming the afd. Land and Premises unto the said Harman Gratehouse his Heirs and Assigns for ever according to the true Intent and meaning hereof as the shall be by his County learned in the Law be reasonably devised advised or required provided such other Grant contains no other Warrant then is herein contained. In Witness in hereof the Partie first above named hath hereunto set his Hand and affixed his Seal the Day and Year first above written. Benjamin {his B mark} Wayger {Seal} Signed Sealed & Delivered } Nuxton Gay Received the 25th Day of April 1765 of Mr. Harman Gratehouse by the Hand of Mark Alexander the Sum of thirty Pounds Maryland Currency it being in full for the within mentioned Consideration Money receivd By Benja. {his B mark} Wayger Witness present On the 20th Day of April 1765 Came the within named Benjamin Wayger before us the Subscribers two Justices of the Peace for Baltimore County and acknowledged the within Deed to be his Act and the Part of a Tract of Land thereby bargained and sold to be the Right Title and Estate of the within named Harman Gratehouse his Heirs and Assigns forever according to the true Intent and meaning of the within Deed. On the same Day was Elinor the Wife of the said Benjamin Wayger by us examined out of her Husbands Hearing who acknowledged all her Right of Dower to the said bargained Parcel of Land to be the Right and Title of the said Harman Gratehouse his Heirs and Assigns and declared she made such acknowledgment of her own free and voluntary Will without being induced so to do by Threats or ill usage of or from her said Husband or through Fear of his Displeasure as Witness our Hands. Nuxton Gay Received five pence half Penny Sterling the Alienation Fine due on the within Deed for the Use of the Lord Baltimore by Order of Edward Lloyd Esq. his Lordships Agent May 23rd 1765. B. Bordley D. Recorded this 24th Day of May 1765 and Examined by B. Bordley Clk. Footnotes:
Sources: Baltimore County Court (Land Records) [MSA CE 66-34] B O, p. 206 - 208, 1765, Apr 20 - Land: Benjamin Waygers to "Harman Gratehouse", Watsons Trust. View @ [ Page 206 | Page 207 | Page 208 ] |
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