Greathouse of Northampton County, PA

Do you have any Greathouse kith and kin who resided in Northampton County, PA? If so, please join us in our efforts to better document the Greathouse kith and kin who lived in this county, by sending your additions and corrections to Greathouse Point.

Greathouse militia records found in the county:

A William Greathouse appears to have served in the militias of Plainfield Township and Upper Saucon Township. Plainfield Township [present day Pen Argyl and Windgap] lies roughly about 33 miles north of Upper Saucon Township [present day Center Valley].
Were these militia records representing one William Greathouse who lived in both Plainfield Township and Upper Saucon Township, at different times? Or perhaps, could there have been two William Greathouses residing in each township, respectively?
Upper Saucon Township 1, 2 |
1778, May 14 – Muster Roll of Capt. John Roberts Company, 1st Batt. North’ton Co., 2nd Class: 3, 4 William Grotehouse |
1780, May 16 – Muster Roll of Capt. Lewis Stacher’s Company, 2nd Batt. North’ton Co. 3, 5
Corp’s: William Grothouse | |
1781, Apr 10 – A List of the 4th Company of the 2d Battalion of Militia of Northampton County, Captain Lewis Stacher. 3, 6
Corporals: William Grothause | |
1781, July – A Class Roll of Fourth Company of the Second Battalion of the Northampton County Militia, Captain Lewis Stacher. 3, 7
Corporals: Will’m Grothouse
I do hereby Certify that the above Class Roll is a trued Class Roll of my Company. Witness my hand the 30th Day of Nov’r 1782. Lewis Stacher, Capt. | |
1781, Sep 1 – A Class Roll of Capt. Stacher’s Company, Captain Lewis Stacher. 3, 8
Corps.: William Grothouse | |
1782, April 18 – A Class Roll of the Fourth Company of Militia of the Second Battalion of Northampton County delivered to the Lieutenant of the County by Captain Lewis Stacker. 3, 9
Corps.: William Grothause
I do Certify that the above Class Roll is a true Class Roll of my company. Witness my hand the 30th day of Nov’r 1782. Lewis Stacker, Capt. | |
1783, Sep: A Class Roll of Captain Lewis Stacker, 6th Company, 2nd Battalion, Northampton County Militia. 3, 10
Copl.: William Goothouse
(c.) To the Honourable the Council of Safety for the State of Pennsylvania. 11
The Petition of Henry Geiger Esqr., Colonel of the second Battalion of Associators for the County of Northampton.
Humbly Sreweth that he is arrived in the "City of Philadelphia" with six Companies of the said Associators in their way to the Camp but as many of the Men are not provided with arms and necessaries, they will be obliged to lay still for a Day or two until supplied. And some of the Companies haveing applied to the Commisarie for Provision was refused which has occasioned several of the men to return home.
Your Petitioner therefore humbly Pray that your Honourable Body would be pleased to give such orders, and also direct me to act in your wisdom shall seem meet. --
And your Petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray --
Henry Geiger, Colonel.
(c.) To the Honourable the Council of Safety for the State of Pennsylvania.
Whereas the second Battalion of Associators of Northampton County now in Philadelphia, on their way to Camp are deficient of a Quarter Master and Pay Master, the following Persons are recommended as fit, for the said Commissions By Henry Geiger Colonel of said Battalion v.izt.
John Jennings for Quarter Master and Richard Backhouse as pay Master.
pr. Henry Geiger, Colonel.
(c.) I do Certify that Jacob Sorber of the 3d Class in my Company of Militia found a substitute in his stead to wit Daniel Hunt who was out under my Command on Duty in the said Class and therefore the said Sorber is not liable to pay Fine.
Witness my hand Sept. 30th 1783
Jacob Heller, Capt., 3rd Company, 2nd Battalion. 12
1783 - A Class Roll of Captain John Stahl’s 5th Company, 4th Battalion, Northampton County Militia, 2nd Class: 3, 13
W’m Grothouse |

1. 1776 Map of Northampton County, PA - submitted by Dick Musselman. Online:
2. Greathouse Point, Greathouse of Northampton County, PA Google Map. Online: .
3. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Revolutionary War Militia Organization: Northampton Co., PA. Online: .
4. First Battalion Northampton County Militia. Pennsylvania Archives, Series 5, Volume VIII. Page 87. Online: .
5. Second Battalion Northampton County Militia. Pennsylvania Archives, Series 5, Volume VIII. Page 122. Online: .
6. Ibid., Second Battalion. Page 138. Online: .
7. Ibid., Second Battalion. Page 148. Online: .
8. Ibid., Second Battalion. Page 149. Online: .
9. Ibid., Second Battalion. Page 173: William Grothouse. Online: and
Page 175 [duplicate]: William Grothause. Online: .
10. Ibid., Second Battalion. Page 218. Online: .
11. Ibid., Second Battalion. Page 202. Online: .
12. Ibid., Second Battalion. Page 222 - .
13. Fourth Battalion Northampton County Militia. Pennsylvania Archives, Series 5, Volume VIII. Page 360. Online: .

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