Greathouse of Philadelphia County, PA

Do you have any Greathouse kith and kin who resided in Philadelphia County, PA? If so, please join us in our efforts to better document the Greathouse kith and kin who lived in this county, by sending your additions and corrections to Greathouse Point.

1795, Mar 5 - Will: Wigard Miller of Germantown
Excerpt from Philadelphia County Wills Index:
Name: Wigard Miller
Residence: Germantown
Description: Decedent
Date: 5 Mar 1795
Prove Date: 27 Oct 1795
Title: Blacksmith
BookPage: WBX:355
Remarks: Miller, Wigard. Germantown. Blacksmith.Wife: Christiana. Children: John, Joseph, Catharine, Annabella, Mary, Hannah, Elizabeth. Exec: Joseph Mather, Charles Nice, Son John Miller.
1) Excerpt from Hannah Benner Roach, "Back Part of Germantown: A Reconstruction". Will of Wigard Miller:
Less than a month after the [Julius] Kerper sale [of all but a fraction of his extensive farm for £2600 to two Frenchmen, Amie Marie Lavornier and Nicholas Jean LeBon D'Herbigny, refugees from the revolution raging in France,] Wigard Miller died. Approaching his eighty-second birthday, his death resulted in the breaking-up of his large farm among the five children he had had by Christian Hesser: John, Catherine, Mary, Annabella, and Joseph who was only nine when his father died. In addition to their share in the farm, John and Joseph each received two lots of two acres each fronting the Main Street up at the forks, and the youngest daughters were each to have one-acre lots north of the schoolhouse lot fronting the road to North Wales. The residue of the lands "on Chestnut Hill of about 31 acres" went to Wigard's two eldest daughters, the widows of Hannah Keyser and Elizabeth Jacoby.199
199 Will Book X, 355, #233 1795 [Will of Wigard Miller]. The actual division of Wigard Miller's property was made in 1797 as the result of a court order possibly obtained to avoid family argument. The Partition Book cited by Macfarlane as authority for division of the estate is now missing in City Hall. [See Editor's Note 40]
40. Footnote 109: Partition Book 1 of the Common Pleas Court was subsequently located and at present is part of the holdings of the Philadelphia City Archives. The partition of Wigard Miller's estate which occurred on 4 January 1798, is located on page 83 and is accompanied by a map of the partition.
2) On September 15, 1777, John Greathouse appointed Wigard Miller the Administrator of his estate in his will, which was probated in 1791 after the death of John Greathouse.
Article: 1777 - Will: John Greathouse of Springfield
3) The estate of John Greathouse was not fully settled by the time Wigard Miller had deceased about October 27, 1795.
4) On October 31, 1796, Joseph Mather was appointed Administrator De Bonis Non over the estate of John Greathouse, with Richard Mather and Isaac Thomas serving as securities for the Administrator's bond.
Article: 1796 - Estate: Administrator's Bond, John Groethaus of Springfield
5) In a 1950 letter from Edward W. Hocker to Jack Murray Greathouse, Hocker related: Letters of administration were granted in Philadelphia in these estates of persons who made no wills:
John Groethouse, 1791.
John Groethouse, 1796.

Philadelphia County Wills, 1682-1819. Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1900. 1795, Mar 5 - Will: Wigard Miller, Germantown.
Hannah Benner Roach, "Back Part of Germantown: A Reconstruction", Jefferson M. Moak, Editor, Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, 2001. ISBN 188709914x, 97817887099141. Page 64, Will of Wigard Miller. Page 76, Editor's Note 40.
Letter from Edward W. Hocker to Jack Murray Greathouse, Greathouse Family In America, 1950. Page 4, Letters of Administration, Philadelphia City: John Groethouse, 1791; John Groethouse, 1796.