Do you have any Greathouse or associated ancestors who resided in Marshall County, WV? If so, please join us in our efforts to better document the Greathouse or associated ancestors who lived in this county, by sending your additions and corrections to Greathouse Point.

Greathouse or associated ancestor records found in the county:

1840, Jun 1 - Census: Marshall County, VA
Joshua Richardson household.
1) Joshua Richardson, age 30-40 [born 1800-1810].
2) female, age 20-30 [born 1810-1820].
3) female, age 5-10 [born 1830-1835].
4) female [Susan Greathouse], age 60-70 [born 1770-1780].

1850, Jun 1 - Census: Marshall County, VA
Joseph Richardson household, family 189, dwelling 191, 26 Jul 1850.
1) Joseph Richardson, age 44 [born about 1806], male, farmer, born in MD, can not read and write.
2) Martha Richardson, age 43 [born about 1807], female, born in PA, can not read and write.
3) Nancy Richardson, age 15 [born about 1835], female, born in VA, attended school within year.
4) Susan Richardson, age 10 [born about 1840], female, born in VA, attended school withing year.
5) Benjamin West, age 13 [born about 1807], male, born in VA.
6) Susanna [Greathouse] Richardson, age 76 [born about 1774], male, born in MD, can not read and write.
Samuel Hartley household, family 192, dwelling 194, 26 Jul 1850.
1) Samuel Hartley, age 45 [born about 1805], male, farmer, value of real estate owned: $1,200, born OH, can not read and write.
2) Abigail [Richardson] Hartley, age 32 [born about 1818], female, born in MD, can not read and write.
3) William Hartley, age 13 [born about 1837], male, born in VA.
4) Samuel Hartley, age 9 [born about 1841], male, born in VA, attended school within year.
5) Emily Hartley, age 6 [born about 1844], female, born in VA, attended school within year.
6) Amanda M. Hartley, age 4 [born about 1846], female, born in VA.
7) Squire Hartley, age 1 [born about 1849], male, born in VA.
John Williams household, family 335, dwelling 337, 7 Aug 1850.
1) John Williams, age 38 [born about 1812], male, farmer, born in PA.
2) Prudence [Richardson] Williams, age 38 [born about 1812], female, born in MD, can not read and write.
3) Lawson Williams, age 14 [born about 1836], male, born in VA, attended school within year.
4) Susan Williams, age 13 [born about 1837], female, born in VA.
5) Thomas Williams, age 11 [born about 1839], male, born in VA.
6) Caroline Williams, age 9 [born about 1841], female, born in VA.
7) Jefferson Williams, age 7 [born about 1843], male, born in VA.
8) Leander Williams, age 5 [born about 1845], male, born in VA.
9) Mary J. Williams, age 4 [born about 1846], female, born in VA.
10) Catherine Williams, age 2 [born about 1848], female, born in VA.
11) Susan [Greathouse] Richardson, age 75 [born about 1775], female, born in MD, can not read and write.
Joshua Richardson household, family 343, dwelling 346, 8 Aug 1850.
1) Joshua Richardson, age 45 [born about 1805], male, farmer, value of real estate owned: $300, born in MD.
2) Jane Richardson, age 35 [born about 1815], female, born in VA.
3) Joseph Richardson, age 8 [born about 1842], male, born in VA.
4) John Richardson, age 5 [born about 1845], male, born in VA.
5) Rebecca A. Richardson, age 2 [born about 1848], female, born in VA.

United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Sixth Census of the United States, 1840. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1840. M704, 580 rolls. Roll 568; Page 299, Joshua Richardson household, with female [Susan Richardson], age between 60 and 70.
United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Seventh Census of the United States, 1850. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1850. M432, 1,009 rolls. Roll M432_959; Page 253, Joseph Richardson household with Susanna [Greathouse] Richardson, age 76; Samuel Hartley household with wife, Abigail Richardson Hartley; Page: 264, John Williams household, 7 Aug 1850, with Susan [Greathouse] Richardson, age 75; Joshua Richardson household.