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Greathouse Point > Greathouse Archives > USA > WV > Ohio County |
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Greathouse of Ohio County, WV Do you have any Greathouse kith and kin who resided in Ohio County, WV? If so, please join us in our efforts to better document the Greathouse kith and kin who lived in this county, by sending your additions and corrections to Greathouse Point. 1793, Nov 6 - Debt: Wells & Griffeth, Adjoining Harman Greathouse to Mary Charles This Indenture made this 6th day of November in the year of our Lord 1793 between Alexander Wells of Washington County and State of Pennsylvania & William Griffeth of Ohio County and State of Virginia of the One part and Mary Charles of Ohio County aforesaid of the Other part, whereas the Said Alexander Wells and William Griffeth have borrowed of the aforesaid Mary Charles the Sum of 270 pounds pennsylvavnia Currency to be paid to the Said Mary Charles her heirs or assigns at any time hereafter, the Said Alexander Wells & William Griffith having one years Notice before demand as also the intrest of five per cent to be paid at the expirations Of each and every year untill the principal aforesaid Sum is paid To the Said Mary now this Indenture Witnesseth that the Said Alexander Wells & William Griffeth in Consideration Of the debt or Sum of 270 pounds Currency aforesaid borrowed Of the Said Mary Charles & for the better Security of the payment thereof with Intrest Aforesaid to the Said Mary Charles her Executs admrs. or assigns and also for the further Consideration of five Shillings to them the Said Alexander & William in Hand paid by the Said Mary the receipt whereof they do hereby Acknowledge have grant bargain and Sell unto the Said Mary Charles his heirs and assigns the two following Tracts of Land Lying In Ohio county aforesaid Viz One tract now in the possession of Alexander Wells Caled the Mingo Bottom Lying on the Ohio River Oposite the old Mingo Town Containing One Hundred and Ninety Acres Granted to the said Alexander Wells By the Commonwealth of Virginia by patent bearing date the third day of June in the year of our Lord 1781 other tract of Land Now in the possession of William Griffeth Aforesaid Lying in the Ohio County aforesaid (formerly Augusta) on A small branch of hard bargain Creek a branch of the Ohio Adjoining the Lands of Harman Greathouse as the Cave Containing two hundred acres granted to the aforesaid Alexander Wells by the Commonwealth patent bearing date the 27th day of March in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty and Conveyed from the Said Alexander Wells to the William griffeth his heirs and assigns as will appear by a deed recorded in the Office for recording deeds in and for Ohio County aforesaid referrence being thereunto had Togather With all and Singular the previledges advantages and appurtinances to the Said tracts of land belonging to have and To hold the Said tracts of Land and premises to he the Sd. Mary Charles his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and Behoof of he the Said Mary Charles his heirs and assigns for ever Provided Always Nevertheless and it is the true intent and meaning of these presents and of the parties hereunto that If the Said Alexander Wells & William Griffeth Or either of them Their or either of their heirs or assigns to do and shall well and truly pay to the Sd. Mary Charles his executors administrators Or assigns the aforesaid Sum of 270 pounds Currency aforesaid at Any time hereafter the Said Mary Charles giving One years notice before demand thereof and also the yearly intrest aforesaid Of five per Cent then and in Such Case the Said Mary Charles her heirs or assigns shall at any time or times thereafter at the proper Costs and Charges of them the Said Alexander Wells & William Griffeth reconvey the Said tract of Land & premises Unto them the Said Alexander Wells and William Griffeth their heirs or assigns or as he or they Shall in that behalf appoint as in their first and former estate any thing herein Contained to the Contrary thereof in any wises Not with standing And the said Alexander Wells and William Griffeth for Themselves their heirs executors & admiistrators do Covinant promise grant and agree to and with the said Mary Charles His heirs and assigns in manner and for following Viz that They the sd Alexander Wells & William Griffeth their executors ad Administrators or Some of them Shall and Will Well and truley pay to the aforesaid Mary Charles his executors admns or assigns the aforesaid sum of two hundred and Seventy pounds Currency as aforesaid Any time hereafter the Sd Mary Charles giving one years notice before demand and also the aforedsaid sum of five per Cent at the Expiration of each and every year untill the principle Sum afore Said is paid to the said Mary Charles his heirs or assigns and lastly It is Covinanted by and between the Said parties to these presents and it is the true intent and meaning of these presentes and of the parties hereunto that untill Default Shall be made in payment of the aforesaid Sum of two hundred and Seventy pounds Currency As aforesaid with the intrest as aforesaid with the intrest as aforesaid in time and in manner as aforesaid it Shall and may be lawfull to and for the Said Alexander Wells and William Griffeth their heirs and assigns peacebly and quietly to have hold occupy possess and enjoy all and Singular the said premises hereby granted and evry part thereof with the appurtinances and to have and receive the rents issues and profits thereof to their own particular use & benifit any thing herein Contained to the Cortrary thereof in any Wise Notwithstanding in witness whereof the parties have hereunto Set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year first above Writter Alexander Wells {Seal} A Coppy from the Origonal Indenture which was acknowledge in Court at November 1793 Term and Ordered to be Recd. Test Moses Chapline Clk Footnotes: 1) The tract of land being transferred between William Griffeth and Alexander Wells was adjoining land of Herman Greathouse, who was not noted as deceased in this deed. 2) The thread relating that Herman Greathouse was not noted as deceased from this record has been woven through the following historical records to create a Greathouse Cord which has triangulated the death of Herman Greathouse as occurring between Jul and Sep 1796:
Sources: Ohio County, WV, Deed Book 2, Pages 419a-419c, 1793, Nov 6 - Debt: Wells & Griffeth, Adjoining Harman Greathouse to Mary Charles. |
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