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Greathouse Point > Greathouse Archives > USA > MD > Baltimore County |
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Greathouse of Baltimore County, MD Do you have any Greathouse kith and kin who resided in Baltimore County, MD? If so, please join us in our efforts to better document the Greathouse kith and kin who lived in this county, by sending your additions and corrections to Greathouse Point. 1788, Apr 25 - Land: John Elder to Michael Elder, Adams Garden John Elder to Michael Elder This Indenture made this Twenty fifth day of April One Thousand seven Hundred and Eighty Eight Between John Elder of Baltimore County in the State of Maryland of the one part and Michael Elder of the same County and State of the Other part Witnesseth that the said John Elder for and in Consideration of the sum of seven hundred pounds Currency to him in hand paid by him the said Michael Elder the Receipt whereof the said John Elder doth hereby Acknowledge & therewith fully Contented satisfied and paid and doth hereby Acquit exonerate and discharge the said Michael Elder his Heirs Executors Administrators and ssigns hath given granted aliened Bargained sold Enfeoffed and Confirmed and by these presents doth give grant alien Bargain sell Enfeoffe and Confirm unto him the said Michael Elder his Heirs and assigns part of a Tract of Land held and known by the name of Adams Garden lying and being in Baltimore County vizt. Begining at a nine notcht white oak and running thence north seventeen degrees East One Hundred and twelve perches South Sixty nine degrees East one hundred and fifty seven perches South twenty seven degrees East thirty perches until it intersects the third line of a tract of Land Called Hunters Chance then Bounding on that land reversely South fifty one degrees west forth perches South Twenty eight degrees west Twenty eight perches South ten degrees West two hundred and Forty perches to the bounded Trees of said Hunters Chance then North sixty two degrees West Twenty perches North Thirty six degrees west fifty perches North Twenty two degrees west ninety two perches and then by a straight line to the Begining Containing and laid out for two Hundred and Thirty Three Acres of Land more or Less To Have and To Hold the aforesaid part of land called Adams Garden together with all Rights profits priviledges Benefits thereunto belonging unto him the said Michael Elder his Heirs and Assigns for ever and the said John Elder doth Covenant and Agree to and with the said Michael Elder his Heirs and assigns shall and may for ever hereafter have peaceably and Quiet possession of the aforesaid land and premises and appurtenances thereunto belonging and the said John Elder doth further for himself his Heirs Executors Administrators and assigns Covenant and agree with the said Michael Elder his Heirs and Assigns will hereby warrant and forever defend the aforesaid Land and premises Against any manner of person or persons whatsoever or whomsoever Claiming by from or under him the sd John Elder. In Witness whereof the said John Elder hath hereunto set his hand fixed his seal the day and year above written. John Elder {seal} Signed Sealed & delivered In the presents of Joseph Gist, William Gist Received of Michael Elder the sum of Seven Hundred pounds Currency being the Consideration Money for the within Land and premises as witness my hand this 25 day of April 1788. John Elder Teste Joseph Gist April The 25th 1788 then came before us two of the Justices for Baltimore County in the State of Maryland the within John Elder and acknowledged the within Indenture to be his act and deed and the Land & premises therein Mentioned to be the Right and Estate of the within named Micheal Elder his Heirs and Assigns for ever According to the True Intent and meaning of these presents. John Moak Received to be Recorded the 26th day of April 1788 same day Recorded & Examined. H. Wm. Gibson Clk. Footnotes
Sources: Baltimore County Court (Land Record) [MSA CE 66-77] WG BB, 1788, Apr 25 - Land: John Elder to Michael Elder, Adams Garden. Page 404-406. |
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