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Greathouse Point > Greathouse Archives > USA > NC > Anson County |
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Greathouse of Anson County, NC
1755, Jan 23 - Land: John & Elizabeth Hall to John Van Houser, 100 acres [ View @ Fold 3: Page 438 | Page 439 ] THIS INDENTURE made the twenty third Day of Jan. in the Year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred & fifty five Between John Hall and Ellizibeth his wife of the County of Anson in the province of North Carolina of the one part and John Vanhouser of the County of Anson of the other part WITNESSETH that that the for and in consideration of the Sum of forty pounds Virginia Currency to the Sd. John Hall in hand paid by the Sd. John Vanhouser at and before the Ensealing & Delivery of these presents the Receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge & thereof and of every part and parcel thereof doth clearly acquit & Discharge the Sd. John Vanhouser and his heirs Executors & Adminrs. and every of them by these presents and of ye Sum of five Shillings Lawfull money of Great Britain to the Sd. John Hall and Wife in hand paed by the Sd. John Vanhouser the Receipt whereof the Sd. John Hall Doth also hereby acknowledge the said have granted aliened Released and Confirmed and by these Presents to grant alien Release and Confirm unto the Sd. John Vanhouser in his actual Possession now being by Virtue of a bargain & Sale to him thereof made for on whole year by Indenture bearing Date ye Day before the Date hereof & by force fo Statute for transferring uses into Possession and his heirs and assigns all that Messuage Tenement Plantation tract or parcel of Land Situate Lying and being in the County of Anson in the provice afsd. Beginning at a Poplar on the South Bank of Pee Dee below the Aligator Pond thence Running No. 33 W. 100 poles then So. 37 Wt. 320 Poles then So. 40 Et. 100 Poles to Pee Dee River then along Sd. River to the beginning Containing by Estimation one hundred acres be the same more or less and all the Estate Right Title Interest Reversion Claim and Demand Whatsoever of him the Sd. John Hall of in and unto the Premises afsd. and every part and parcel thereof and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder & Remainders Yearly and other Rents and Profits of the Premises and of every part and parcel thereof to have to hold the Sd. Messuage or Plantation of land and all and Singular the Premises herein before mentioned & intended to be hereby granted with Ye appurtenances unto the Sd. John Vanhouser and his Heirs to the Use of the Sd. John Vanhouser and of his heirs and assigns and the Sd. John Hall his heirs Exors. Aminrs. Doth Covenant and grant to and with the Sd. John Vanhouser his heirs and assigns by these presents that he the Sd. John Hall now Standeth Lawfully and Rightfully Seized of and in the Sd. Messuage and Premises with their appurtenances of a good sure perfect absolute and indeasible Estate in fee and now hath good rightful power and Lawfull & Rightfull Authority to grant and convey Sd. Messuage and premises unto the Sd. John Vanhouser his heirs according to the purport & true intent and meaning of these presents and that it Shall & May be Lawfull to and for the Sd. John Vanhouser heirs & assigns from time to time & at all times here after peacebly and quietly to have hold Possess and Enjoy the Sd. Messuage and all and Singular other Ye premises herein before mentioned and intended to be hereby granted with their appurtenances without any Lawfull Lett Suit trouble or interrupion of him Ye Sd. John Hall his heirs or assigns or any other person whatsoever freed & Discharged of and from all Incumbrances whatsoever Ye rents and Services to grow Due to his Majesties his heirs and Successors only Excepted and foreprized and the Sd. John Hall his heirs Exors, and Administrators Doth Covenant and grant to and with Ye Sd. John Vanhouser by these presents that it Shall and may be Lawful to and for Ye Sd. John Vanhouser or his heirs and assigns from time to time and at all times thereafter peaceably & Quietly to have hold Possess and Enjoy Ye Sd. Messuage & Premises with their appurtenances without the Lawfull Let Suit trouble or Interruption of him Ye Sd. John Hall his heirs and assigns or any of them or any other person or Persons Lawfully Claiming or to Claim in by from or under him or any of them and the Sd. John Hall his heirs Exors. and Adminrs. do covenant & grant to and with the Sd. John Vanhouser his heirs and assigns by these presents that he the Sd. John Hall his heirs Shall and will any time or times hereafter upon the Request and at the Cost and Charges in the Law of the Sd. John Vanhouser his heirs and assigns to do make and Execute or cause and procure to be made done and Executed all and every such further and other Act and Acts Conveyance & Assurance in the Law Whatsoever for the further and better conveying & assuring Ye Sd. Messuage and premises with their appurtenances unto the Sd. John Vanhouser his heirs to the use of the Sd. John Vanhouser for and of his heirs and assigns forever be it by fine or fines Recovery or Recoveries or otherwise howsoever as by the Sd. John Vanhouser his heirs or assigns or his or their Council Learned in the law Shall be Reasonably Devised Advised or Required so as such further assurance contain no further covenant or Warranty than in these presents is contained IN WITNESS whereof the Sd. John Hall have here unto Set his hand & affixed his Seal the Day and year above written. John Hall {Seal} Signed Sealed and Delivered in Presence of Henry Stokes Sources: Anson County, NC, Deed Book B1, Page 438-439, 1755, Jan 23 - Land: John & Elizabeth Hall to John Van Hooser, 100 acres. View @ Fold 3: Page 438 | Page 439 |
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