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Greathouse Point > Greathouse Archives > USA > PA > Montgomery County |
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Greathouse of Montgomery County, PA Do you have any Greathouse kith and kin who resided in Montgomery County, PA? If so, please join us in our efforts to better document the Greathouse kith and kin who lived in this county, by sending your additions and corrections to Greathouse Point. 1786, Nov 17 - Deed: Greathouse Children to Christopher Yeakle 725 Deed Peter Foust & others to Chrisopher Yeakle View @ Fold3 [ Page 385 | Page 386 ] This Indenture Made the seventeenth Day of November in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and eighty Six Between Peter Foust of Heidleberg Township in the County of Berks in the State of Pennsylvania Yeoman and Mary his Wife, Henry Haynes of the Place Yeoman and Anna Christina his Wife, and Magdalene Haynes of the same Place, the Relict of Adam Haynes deceased of the one Part ( They the said Mary Foust Anna Christiana Haynes and Magdalene Haynes being three of the Children of Henry Gratehouse late of Lancaster County Yeoman, deceased ) and Christopher Yeakle Junior of Germantown Township in the County of Philadelphia in the State aforesaid of the other Part. Whereas the said Henry Gratehouse the Father by Force and Virtue of some good Conveyances or Assurances in Law fuly had and executed in his Life time became Lawfully seized in his Demisne as of Fee of and in Certain Lot or Piece of Land situate in Springfield Township in the County of Montgomery late the County of Philadelphia Beginning at a Hickory Tree in the Line of Germantown and Springfield Townships it being a corner of Thomas Coombe's Land thence by the same North forty Degrees forty minutes East sixty three perches and six length tenth parts of a Perch to a stone, thence North fifty Degress thirty Minutes West fifteen Perches and two tenth Parts of a Perch to another stone used for a Corner it being also a Corner of the said Christopher Yeakle's other land thence by the same South forty Degrees forty minutes West Sixty three Perches and six tenth Parts of a Perch to another in the aforesaid Townships Line thence along the same South fifty Degrees thirty minutes East fifteen Perches and two tenth Parts of a Perch to the Place of Beginning Containing Six Acres be the same more or less within said Limits And the said Henry Gratehouse being so seized thereof as aforesaid Died having first made his last Will and Testment in Writing bearing Date the third Day of January Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and forty four whereon and whereby he willed and Devised the before described Six Acres of Land unto his Wife Ann with the Appurtenances during the Term of her natural Life and after her Decease to all his Children then living Share and Share alike to them and to their Heirs and Assigns forever as in and by the said Last Will and Testament duly proved and remaining in the Register Generals Office at Philadelphia Relation being thereunto had may more full and at "large appear." Now this Indenture Witnesseth that the said Peter Foust and Mary his Wife, Henry Haynes and Ann Christiana his Wife and Magdalene Haynes for and in Consideration of the Sum of Twenty two Pounds ten Shillings in Gold and Silver cooin unto them in Hand well and truly paid by the said Christopher Yeakley at and immediately before the Sealig and Delivery here of the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and thereof and therefrom doth acquit and discharge the said Christopher Yeakle his Heirs and Assigns forever Have granted bargained sold released and confirmed and by these presents Do for themselves and their Heirs respectively grant bargain well release and confirm unto the said Christopher Yeakle and to his Heirs and Assigns forever Three full undivided fifth Parts of in and to the said above described Lot or Piece of Land Together also with all and singular the Buildings Improvements Ways Woods Waters Water Courses Rights Liberties Priveleges Hereditaments and Appurtenances whatsoever unto the said three undivided fifth Parts of the said described Lot or Piece of Land [Crossed out: Hereditaments and Premises hereby granted or mentioned to be granted with the Appurtenances unto the said Christopher Yeakle his Heirs and Assigns] Belonging or in any wise apertaining and the Reversions and Remainders Rents Issues and Profits thereof To have and to hold the said three undivided fifthe Parts of the said undivided fifth Parts of the said described Lot or piece of land hereditaments and Premises hereby granted or mentioned to be granted with the appurtenances unto the said Christopher Yeakle his Heirs and Assigns to the only proper Use and Behoof of him the said Christopher Yeakle his Heirs and Assigns to the forever Under a proportionable Part of the yearly Quit Rent if any hereafter accruing for or in Respect of the hereby granted Premises unto the Chief Lord or Lords of the fee thereof. And the said Peter Foust and Mary his Wife, Henry Haynes and Anna Christiana his Wife, and Magdalene Haynes for themselves their Heirs respectively and against all and every other Person and Persons and whatsoever Lawfully claiming or to claim by from or under them any or all of them or by from or Under the said Henry Gratehouse deceased shall and will Warrant and forever defend by these Presents. In Witness whereof the said Parties to these present have interchangeably set their Hands and Seals hereunto Dated the Day and Year first above written. Peter { his P F mark } Foust { Seal } Mary { her X mark } Foust { Seal } Henry { his HH mark } Haynes { Seal } Ann Christ.a { her X mark } Haynes { Seal } Magdalene { her X mark } Haynes { Seal } Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of us } Received on the Day of the Date of the within written Indenture of the within named Christopher Yeakle the just and full Sum of Twenty two Pounds ten Shillings in Gold and Silver Coin it being the full Consideration Money within mentioned we say Received p.r us. Peter { his P F mark } Foust Witness present at the Signing } Pensylvania Ss. Be it remembered that on the 11th Day of April Anno Domini 1787, Before us Peter Spyker Esq. President of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the County of Berks, Personally appeared George Aorker and Peter Diehl both of Heidelberg Township in the County aforesaid and being severally duly affirmed according to Law, did solemnly say and declare, that they was present and saw the within named Peter Foust and mary his Wife, Henry Haynes and Anna Christian his Wife, and Magdalene Haynes seal and as their Act and Deed deliver the within written Deed for the Use within mentioned and that the Named George Aorker and Peter Diehl thereto subscribed is of them the said Deponents own Hands writing by the severally thereto subscribed as Witness. In Testimony whereof I have here unto set my Hand and Seal the Day and Year Afores.d Peter Spyker { Seal } Recorded Septembr. the 25th 1787.
Sources: The Newberry Library, Atlas of Historical County Boundaries, Chicago, IL. Montomery County Chronology. Online: http://www.newberry.org/ahcbp. Montgomery County, PA, Deed Book 3, Page 385 - 386, 1786, Nov 17 - Deed: Greathouse Children to Christopher Yeakle. View @ Fold3 [ Page 385 | Page 386 ] Greathouse Point, Greathouse Archives - USA: Greathouse of Lancaster County, PA. Montgomery County, PA, Deed Book 2, Page 627 - 629, 1786, Jun 16 - Deed: Harman Gratehouse to Christopher Yeakle. View @ Fold3 [ Page 627 | Page 628 | Page 629 ] Greathouse Point, Greathouse Archives - USA: Greathouse of Baltimore County, MD. |
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