Greathouse Point News and Updates

21 Dec 2008
Updated original document links to Footnote.com:
Mifflin, PA - Greenwood Township Assessment Records for 1799, 1802, 1803, 1804a, 1804b, 1805, 1807, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814a, 1814b, 1815a, 1815b and 1816, transcription available.
Updated the following report:
Conflicting Timelines of William Grotehouse/Groathouse of Northampton and Mifflin County, PA vs William Greathouse Junior of Bedford County, PA and Harrison County, VA
Added the following articles to the Family of Herman Groethausen:
Daniel Greathouse and the Yellow Creek Affair. Reproduced with permission from the book The Stulls of �Millsborough� A Genealogical History of John Stull �The Miller� Pioneer of Western Maryland, by Chris H. Bailey, Vol. 1, pp. 249-256, privately published, 2000.
"The Stulls of Millsborough", Special Offer from Chris Bailey.

25 Oct 2008
Added the following research report to Family of David Greathouse and Pensillah Goodwin:
David Greathouse ca 1770 to 1839
Added the following to our collection of Articles and Manuscripts:
"Stackhouse Notes", Doug Knox.

18 Oct 2008
Revised the following research report found in the Family of Herman Groethausen to add a statement that qualifies the father/son relationship between John Greathouse, who married Ann Cain? to his father, Gabriel Greathouse:
John Greathouse and Catherine Benigar - Harrison, VA to Roane, WV
4 Sep 2008
Added the following research report to Family of John and Sarah McDade Greathouse.
John Greathouse Senior, Estate Settlement, Roane, WV - Jul 1866
3 Sep 2008
Added the following research reports to Family of Herman Groethausen:
Stulls of Millsborough, Chris Bailey, digital copy online at: Family History Archives
Daniel Greathouse: Yellow Creek Massacre [PDF]

1 Sep 2008
The following additions and updates were completed:
As of September 1, 2008, "Guild Greathouse" is the new name for our group, retiring the "Greathouse Cousin Network" and the "Greathouse Data Exchange". Also the name of our forum has been changed to "Guild Greathouse Forum".
Added updated "About Us" with new article about the History of Guild Greathouse & Greathouse Point.
Added new "Join Us" page which now includes everything necessary from the "Mailing List" page, retiring the "Mailing List" page.
Revised navigation menu to support those changes.

23 Aug 2008
Added the following research report to Family of Herman Groethausen:
John Greathouse and Catherine Benigar - Harrison, VA to Roane, VA
4 Jun 2008
Happy 10th Birthday... Greathouse Point!

24 May 2008
Added new section for our recently acquired original source document collection on William Grotehouse of Miflin, PA to Family of Herman Groethausen:
Mifflin, PA - Greenwood Township Assessment Records for 1799, 1802, 1803, 1805, 1807, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814a, 1814b, 1815a, 1815b and 1816, transcription available.
Mifflin, PA - Quarter Sessions
Apr 1796, Apr 1797, Nov 1797, Nov 1798, Aug 1799, ? 1800, Aug 1800a, Aug 1800b, Aug 1801a, Aug 1801b, Aug 1801c, Aug 1801d, Aug 1801e, Aug 1802a, Aug 1802b, Apr 1803a, Apr 1803b, Aug 1803a, Aug 1803b, Aug 1803c, Nov 1803a, Nov 1803b, Nov 1803c, Aug 1804a, Aug 1804b
Extract - Susquehanna and Juniata Valley History
Mifflin, PA - Grantor/Grantee Deed Records - available soon.
Mifflin, PA - Estate Records - available soon.

10 May 2008
Added the following photos to our Headstone Photo Gallery:
James Greathouse, headstone found near Athens, OH.
Sarah Greathouse, headstone found near Athens, OH.
Margaret Ellen Greathouse, She was buried in Pleasant Grove Cemetery, near Abbott, AR.
William A. Hartsell, buried in Cedar Grove Cemetery near Boothe, Scott County, AR .
James M. Hartsell and Mamie E., buried in Pleasant Grove Cemetery near Abbott, AR.
Updated the biographical sketch of John Greathouse Junior.
Added new section to our Library for Genealogical Helps with the following articles:
Genealogical Research | Tips and Links by Betty Renick
Moved Genealogical Standards by NGS to this new section.
Added a new section for Greathouse family research in Europe to our Library:
Moved our Families von Grotthuss and von Grothusen collection to this new section.
Added translation of Das Rittergut Grotenhus (Das Manor Grotenhus), submitted by Calvin Greathouse.

6 May 2008
Added timeline chart, Conflicting Timelines for William Greathouse Junior of PA/VA, to our research on the family of Herman Groethausen.
Added the following documents to Court, Land and Probate Records:
Deed - John Vanhoosen, Heidelberg, Lancaster, PA
Land Patent - Jacob Greathouse, Anson, NC [PDF]
Land Patent Abstract - Jacob Greathouse, Anson, NC [PDF]
Added photos from Don and Linda Birgel's trip to Germany in 2006 where they met Jan Grothauzen of Venlo, Netherlands.
Birgel Trip to Germany
Added a collection of documents about Charles Franklin Greathouse and his family, a descendant of John and Sarah McDade Greathouse, submitted by Greg Snow.
Charles Franklin Greathouse [PDF]

19 Apr 2008
Added manuscript, "A Partial History of the Greathouse Family in America" by Captain Jack Murray Greathouse, shared with permission from Washington County Historical Society, Fayetteville, AK.
Added collection of biographical sketches for the family of John and Sarah McDade Greathouse and Early Greathouses in America submitted by Betty Renick.
Added collection of church records submitted by Vivian Taylor.
13 Apr 2008
Rebuilding Our Family Databases
About ten years ago, Frank Neher volunteered to collect Greathouse family data from anyone who believed they were a descendant of a Greathouse ancestor. Pat Greathouse volunteered to head the mailing list where ideas and theories were shared. In March 1998 along with Rick Greathouse, they founded Greathouse Point, as a website where their Greathouse family research would be shared with others. At that time, it was difficult to easily find original sources, so the family databases were compiled based on donated family histories. Some were accurate; some were not.
We regret that Frank and Pat didn't live long enough to see some of the excellent resources now available to document and prove or disprove our information.
Because our original databases were built on sources that are considered to be weak by today's genealogical standards, we have removed those databases from Greathouse Point.
All family line databases are being rebuilt, using sound and proven genealogical standards, along with better primary and secondary source documents.
When we feel confident that we have documented as much as possible, the lines will be reposted here at Greathouse Point.
We need your help and your source documents to make this effort a success. If you can contribute documentation or you would like to join the team of researchers who have undertaken this task, please contact us at Research@Greathouse.us .
We are guiding Greathouse Point into being a source of documentation, not speculation. We want anyone who encounters this site to feel confident that they have the best possible information to validate their Greathouse family lineage.

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