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Greathouse Point > Greathouse Archives > USA > WV > Harrison County |
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Greathouse of Harrison County, WV Do you have any Greathouse kith and kin who resided in Harrison County, WV? If so, please join us in our efforts to better document the Greathouse kith and kin who lived in this county, by sending your additions and corrections to Greathouse Point. Greathouse kith and kin records found in the county: 1784 - Harrison County was est. from Monongalia. Monongalia County was est. from the District of West Augusta, Augusta County, VA in 1776. 1785, Apr 2 - Harrison County Court: Ordered certification of discharge which James McDead prove he lost. 1785, Apr 20 - Harrison County Court: James McDade Proves Revolutionary War Service James McDead appear in Court and prove to the sattsfaction of the same and that he entered as substitute in the Regular Service in room of Uriah Gandee and entered the service in the year 1780 and continued in Service 21 months and was discharged by Major Sneed of the Light Infantry and has lost the discharge. X O to be certified 1785, May 17 - Harrison County Court: Grand Jury Presentments: James McDead and James Meeks for assault and battery on evidence of Obediah Davisson. 1785, Jul 19 - Harrison County Court: James Schoolcraft vs James McDead. Confessed Judgment and costs of suit. 1785, Aug 16 - Harrison County Court: John Wade Loveberry produced in Court credentials of Ordination as Minister of the Gospel and entered into bond with Thomas Barkley and Obediah Davisson his securities. Grand Jury Presentment. State vs McDead—Indictment. Not guilty John Wade Loveberry takes oath of Allegiance and obtained license to celebrate the rites of Marriage. State vs J. Meek. Verdict Guilty. Judgment and Costs. 1786, Mar 23 - Harrison County Court: Grand Jury Presentments: James McDead came into court and made oath that he had served three years in the Continental service as a soldier under the Com of Capt. Voss and discharged by Col. Freebaker; Certificate of discharge lost. Order certification of same. 1786, May 18 - Harrison County Court: Jno Coburn Vs William Thornhill—didimus for defendant [cont. on 22 Mar 1787, Elizabeth Tanner and Rachel McDead noted as witnesses.] 1786, Aug 16 - Harrison County Court: Ord' That William Greathouse to be exempted from working on highway. 1786, Aug 19 - Harrison County Court: William Greathouse - jury - (John Schoolcraft vs Peter Kenchelo). 1786, Oct - Petition To Work Out Taxes And Build A Good Road From The State Road To The Mouth Of Little Kanawha To the Honorable Speaker and Gentlemen, Delegates of the General Assembly. The Petition of the Inhabitants of Harrison County Humbly sheweth that by our remote Situation from navigation and the maney Incursions of the Savages we have since the beginning of the War been kept in such low circumstances that we are fully satisfied it would be Impractical for the Sheriff to Collect the Taxes now Due and we the Petitioners Conceiving it our Duty to Discharge our portion of the Taxes now Due and we the Petitioners Conceiving it our Duty to Discharge our portion of the Taxes as Required by Law to the Public Acct. humbly Conceive that a Road from the State Road to the Mouth of Little Kenhawa would be of great Utility to the State of Virginia. Which Road we Presume can be made with not more than ordinary Labour. And Consequently if Such Road is not made the Trade from the Western Side of the Ohio River as well as on the Eastern side will Continue to Fort Pitt, and from thence to the Pennsylvania Ports, to the Injury of the Commonwealth and as we are able to Labour and furnish Provisions & which is the only thing we can Discharge our Taxes in. We humbly beg that your Honorable House will pass an Act for opening the Said Road, and Exonerate us from Paying our Taxes in Money, but Call on us for our proportion of Taxes agreeable to our prayer and we your Petitioners as in Duty bound Shall ever Pray. Signed: John Greathouse Petition was hung on the Court House Door Two Several Monthly Court Days. Test. Benj. Wilson, Clk. 1786, Nov - Harrison County Court: A bill find against Jeremiah Stackhouse for having a base born child to the knowledge of two of our body. 1787, Mar 22 - Harrison County Court: Page 141,-- Old Actions: 1787, May 23 - Harrison County Court: Page 158,-- New Actions: 1787 - Tax List: Return of Nicholas Carpenter, Comm. Jun 6 - Ackert, Frederick *; white males age over 21 [born 1766 or before]; horses: 7; cattle: 4. Tax List: Return of John McCally, Comm. May 14 - McDade, James; white males age 21 or over: 1 [born 1766 or before]; horses: 2; cattle: 1. * This was the first tax list of Harrison County, VA, on which Frederick Akert, William Greathouse Sr., William Greathouse Jr. and John Greathouse was recorded. These individuals migrated to Harrison County, VA from Bedford County, PA where they were last recorded on the tax list of Turkeyfoot Township in 1785. 1787, Jun 18 - Harrison County Court: Page 161,-- William Greathouse appointed constable for the town of Clarksburg. 1788 - Tax List: Return of Nicholas Carpenter, Comm. Apr 4 - Ackert, Frederick; white males age 21 or over: 2 [Fred and John Greathouse]; horses: 4. 1788, Dec 14 - Harrison County Court: Page 231, -- John Simms vs William Greathouse, -- Agreed at Defendant’s costs and judgment. 1789, Feb 26 - Marriage Return of Rev. John W. Loofbourrow February 26, 1789 married Gabriel Greathouse & Mary Husted 1789, Mar 17 - Harrison County Court: Page 243, -- New Actions: 1789 - Tax List: Return of Nicholas Carpenter, Comm. Apr 20 - Ackert, Frederick; white males age 16 or over: 1; horses: 3. Return of (unreadable), Comm. Owens, Owen; white males age 16 or over: 2; horses: 3. Return of John McCally, Comm. Apr 1 - Sleeth, Alexander; white males age 16 or over: 1; horses: 3. Certified by Benjamin Wilson, Clk. 1790 - Tax List: Return of Nicholas Carpenter, Comm. Apr 19 - Ackert, Frederick; white males age 16 or over: 1; horses: 3. Certified by: unreadable Return of Benjamin Webb, Comm. May 11 - McCally, John; white males age 16 or over: 2; horses: 4. [previous comm.] Certified by Benjamin Wilson, Clk. Return of Benjamin Coplin, Comm. (unreadable) Certified by Benjamin Wilson, Clk. 1790, Nov 16 - Harrison County Court John Greathouse vs Joseph Gregory - cont. 1791 - Tax List: Return of William Lowther, Comm. Gs: (unreadable) Return of Nicholas Carpenter, Comm. Mar 16 - Ackert, Frederick; white males age 16 or over: 1; horses: 1. Return of Benjamin Webb, Comm. Jun 17 - Galaspy, Silas; white males age 16 or over: 1; horses: 2. Certified by Benjamin Wilson, Clk. 1791 - Birth: Derived from 1795 - Harrison County Court: Custody of Michael Greathouse A Michael Greathouse, age 4, born 1791, was orphaned in the county, in 1795. The court decided custody between a John Greathouse and a Michael Greathouse, both of said county. The court granted custody to John Greathouse. 1791, Mar 23 - Harrison County Court John Greathouse vs Joseph Gregory - agreed. 1792, Jan 16 - Harrison County Court This day the last will and testament of William Greathouse deceased was produced in Court and proven by the oath of Owen Davee and Joseph Skelton witnesses thereto and the same is ordered to be recorded. 1792 - Tax List: Return of Benjamin Webb, Comm. Mar 17 - Galaspy, Silas; white males age 16 or over: 1; horses: 1. Certified by Benjamin Wilson, Clk. Return of Benjamin Coplin, Comm. Ackert: (page missing). Return of Josiah Davidson, Comm. Mar 14 - McDade, James; white males age 16 or over: 1. 1792, Mar 17 - Harrison County Court Barbary Greathouse Joseph Skelton John Radcliff and Joseph Davisson came into court and entered into Bond 500 pounds duly to Proved on the last wils and testament of William Greathouse deceased and said Barbary and Joseph took oath of executors according to law.
1792, Mar 21 - Harrison County Court: Page 394, Daniel McCarty Vs. Micheal Greathouse Continued. Ruled to give security For costs and notice given plaintiff (he living out of the state [which was scratched out]). 1792, Mar 25 - Will: William Greathouse [Sr.], [ Page 3 | Page 4 ]. In the Name of God Amen William Greathouse of the County of Harrison in the state of Virginia being weak of in Body but of sound & perfect mind & memory Blessed be Almighty God for the same do make & Publish this my last Will & Testament in manner and form following (that is to say) ... Further Readings: 1792, Apr 18 - Harrison County Court: John Vanlear vs William Greathouse: jusdgt for (? looks like TBt could be plt, could be deft) L1 . 10 . 6 with interest from 15 Nov 1787. 1792, May 22 - Harrison County Court: Grand Jury Presentments: 1792, Aug 20 - Harrison County Court: Comm'th vs William Greathouse - judgement for 5 / with costs. 1792, Aug 21 - Harrison County Court New Actions 1793 - Tax List: Return of Benjamin Webb, Comm. Mar 10 - Greathouse, Michael; white males age 16 or over: 1; horses: 2. Certified on 13 Jun 1793, Benjamin Wilson, Clk. Return of Benjamin Coplin, Comm. Ackert: none Return of Benjamin Coplin, Comm. [second list, varies from first] Mar 21 - Graithouse, Gabrel; white males age 16 or over: 1; horses: 1. Return of Joseph Davison, Comm. Mar 14 - Bodkin, Charles; white males age 16 or over: 1; horses: 2. Certified by Benjamin Wilson, Clk. Return of John Thomas, Comm. May 16 - Glaspell, Silas; white males age 16 or over: 1; horses: 1. Certified by Benjamin Wilson, Clk. 1793, Apr 8 - Marriage Return of Rev. John W. Loofbourrow John Greathouse married Milly Gillaspy on 8 Apr 1793. 1793, May 20 - Harrison County Court John Runyan vs William Greathouse: office judgt a (setande?) and Joseph Hastings Special Bail and plea payment. 1793, Aug 20 - Harrison County Court John Runyan vs William Greathouse, cont. 1795, May 19 - Harrison County Court Ordered that Michael Parker and Infant of four years old be bound unto John Gratehouse until the age of twenty one years upon his entering into Indenture learn the said Infant the art and Occupation of a farmer. He provide whatever food clothing, reading, writing, arithmetic as for as the rule of the and also pay the said infant at on of his apprenticeship the sum of twenty dollars. 1795, Jun 15 - Harrison County Court Ordered that an Orphan Child named Michal Greathouse be bound to John Greathouse and that the said child be Delivered by Michal Greathouse in Whose Possession the Court understands he now is in, to the said John Greathouse and said John Greathouse to appear and Exchange Indentures Drew according to law at the next Court. Notes:
1796, Jun 20 - Harrison County Court Ordered that William Greathouse be surveyor of the Highway in the room of Matthew Beard. 1797, Apr 18 - Harrison County Court William Greathouse vs Thomas Lowther: judged for plaintiff 2 pounds with interest from 7th Nov 1796. 1797, Apr 22 - Harrison County Court: Robert Manley vs James Douglas alias Stewart, regarding a horse which was stolen from the enclosure of Barbara Greathouse, including deposition of John Greathouse. At a Special court called and held on the 22nd day of April 1797 at the courthouse of Harrison it being a special (bond?, can't read the word) called at Feb. for (the trial and, [these words are scratched out]) examination of a certain James Douglas alias Stewart who stands charged with the felonious taking and carrying away one gray mare the property of Robert Manley out of the enclosure (pasture is scratched out) of Barbara Greathouses in the county of Harrison (aforesaid) Present: William Robinson, John McCally, William Haymond, Benj Coplin, John Randolph, John Haymond, Robert Lowther, Gentleman Justices The prisoner being brought to this bar in custody and the charge being (can't read the word) was (can't read the word) of guilty or not guilty of the charge and answered he was not guilty Robert Manly, Benj Webber, and Thomas Wilson Witnesses for the Comn'th also John Greathouse, John McCally sworn The prisoner being called upon for testimony in his favor who answered he had none The court upon hearing and duly weighing the evidence for the comn'th is of the opinion that that the aforesaid James Duglass alias Stewart is guilty of the charge wherewith he is charged and (that he [is scratched out]) (it's either remanded or removed) (the said James {must have written this to clarify who they were sending to jail}) him to the jail of said county and to be from there removed to the Pubblick Jail of this District to be further prosecuted agt at the next District court to be holden at Morgan Town, orders accordingly the Depositions taken on the (can't read the word) are as follows (cant' read, but looks like ____eth Hez) (John Greathouse being deposed that [is scratched out]) Robert Manley deposed that on the 16 day of March 1797 he tarryed all night at the house of Barbara Greathouse in said county and that he had his mare (taken to said Barbara Greathouse [is scratched out]) Being a daple gray mare 15 hands high white face and (turned into Barbara's meadow) one white eye which mare on the morning of the 17 (can't read the word) was missing and one piece of the fence appeared to be laid down and the appearance of a horse Greathouse having jumped out of the said Inclosure and saw something like a man (can't read the word) on the outside of the fence---- and afterwards hearing that the person was apprehended upon suspicision for taking the said mare and trading her away, he thereupon made further (can't read the word --ing) and being (can't read the word) a mare as he had (cost) and was (sum) by same person in the upper end of Randolph county where upon he procured and got (can't read) information as to finally recover his mare which was in the (possession) of a certain Thomas Wilson Resident of Pendleton County in the Start of Virginia which mare he the said Manley proved to be his property by the Oath of Wm Hacker and said Wilson said he had obtained said mare in a shop in plain and open Markett from the said person for a (can't read) horse which horse now appear to be in the possession of the prisoner further the deponent (can't read) not and in the (p--- can't read) of the court in ----- his name Deposition of John Greathouse John Greathouse deposeth and saith that on the 16th Day of March 1797 Robert Manley came to the house of Barbara Greathouse in said county and that the Deponent put Robert Manlys mare into said Barbara's Inclosure which mare was a daple gary near 15 hands high a white face and one white eye and that on the next morning the mare was out of the enclosure and by appearance the fence had been laid down and the mare taken out (and?) further the Deponent saidth not and ------- his name in the presense of the court. John Greathouse (X) [his mark] Source: Harrison County, VA, Harrison County Court Records, Clarksburg-Harrison Public Library (Waldomore), microfilm, Roll 2, Page 30 - Robert Manley vs James Douglas alias Stewart, regarding a horse which was stolen from the enclosure of Barbara Greathouse, including deposition of John Greathouse. 1797 - Return of Benjamin Bartletts, Comm. May 20 - Greathouse, Gabriel; white males age 16 or over: 1; horses: 1. Certified on 12 Jun 1797, Benjamin Wilson, Clk. Return of Joseph Davidson, Comm. Adams, Nathaniel; white males age over 16: 4; horses: 5. Certified on 30 Apr 1797, Benjamin Wilson, Clk. 1797, Jun 19 - Harrison County Court Upon the motion of Joseph Skelton one of the exe of Wm Greathouse deceased ordered that Joseph Bell Wm Haymond and Watson Clark and John Radcliff or any three of them they being first sworn do appraise the estate of William Greathouse deceased and Report ... and Inventory of the same to Court in upon the Motion of and Complaint of John Radcliff one of the former securitys of Joseph Skelton of Barbara Greathouse the late executor of Wm Greathouse deceased ... in by Court Ordered that said John Radcliff be ... from the obligation of the Bond in which he entered a Security from the Date (Forward?) ... T. Amaziah Davisson came into court and entered into upon the motion of John Radcliff who complain that he was security (for) Barbara Greathouse and Joseph Skelton appear at next court (be held) the estate of Wm Greathouse deceased ... that the said Exetor ... M ... y ... of them ... to said John Radcliff ... security at the next court for his ... own satisfaction. Ordered that Joseph Skelton the surviving executor (bond) of Wm Greathouse deceased to appear at next court to answer the complaint of John Radcliff one of the (severally) of Joseph Skelton and that said Skelton appear at the next court and abide such order as the Court shall make (in) and that the clerk ... j ... a summons for same. HTS 1797, Jul 7 - Harrison County Court John Radcliff security in the Estate of Wm Greathouse dec'd ... Complaint and Joseph Skelton one of the Exe order that the executor give ... C ... inventory. Page 82, Benjamin Robinson vs William Greathouse: Wm Haymond came into court and continued Special Bail. 1797, Jul 17 - Petition Regarding Estate Inventory of William Greathouse Sr., Deceased Whereas the within Inventory was left in the hands of Barbary Greathouse one of the Execs to the Last will and testament of William Greathouse Deceased and through her Neglect was omitted being Returned to the Court to be Recorded, Now we William, John, & Gabriel Greathouse and Mary Aker Heirs of Legalees to said William do pray the Court of Harrison to order the same to be Recorded as it now stands as Witness our hands this 17th July 1797. Signed: I Joseph Skelton Surviving Executor do approve of the within Inventory. 1797, Oct 16 - Harrison County Court Joseph Skelton Exe of William Greathouse deceased by ... of the will came court and acknowledged a deed of conveyance to James McCollough for 200 acres of land ordered to w ... 1797, Oct 18 - Harrison County Court 22 (?) to attendance John Greathouse in vs Douglas 0.53. 1797, Nov 20 - Harrison County Court Benjamin Robinson vs William Greathouse: official judgment set aside (so ordered) plea payment enters Ralf Mor Special Bail. 1798, May - Harrison County Court Jonathan Adams and (Day ...) as a witness Commonwealth vs Greathouse. 1798 - Return of Benjamin Bartletts, Comm. Greathouse, John; white males age 16 or over: 1; horses: 3. Certified on 12 Jun 1798, Benjamin Wilson, Clk. Return of Joseph Davidson, Comm. Mar 6 - Adams, Nathaniel; white males age over 16: 2; horses: 7. Certified on 10 Jun 1798, Benjamin Wilson, Clk. 1798, Aug - Harrison County Court John Manley by Jonathan Manley vs Michael Greathouse: The inquiry set aside plea. Page 290, John and Jonathan Manley vs Michael Greathouse: Jury find for the defendant.
1798 - Marriage: John Stackhouse and Rohanah Greathouse Article: 1798 - Marriage: John Stackhouse and Rohanah Greathouse 1799, Feb 28 - Deed: William and Mary Greathouse to George Roby [ Page 1 | Page 2 ] William Greathouse and his wife Mary sold 100 acres of land on Coplin Run, Harrison Co., WV to George Roby. 1799, Apr 15 - Harrison County Court: Page 348, Nath Adams vs Harman Greathouse ------- John McCollough garnashee sworn and declared he had no property in his knowledge untill a settlement with exe of Wm Greathouse and ord'r that after a (Letter) or (settle) with said exe he there upon what is in his hand if ----- a -------- at Augt next Page 349, Nathaniel Adams vs Harman Greathouse (looks like the word "all's) that (debt) proves John McCollough garnashee sworn and appearing to the court ordered that a summon issue to summon Michal Greathouse to appear at next court as a garnashee the debt proven, ---------------------------- thirds ---------- b -------n 1799, Jun 17 - Harrison County Court Land conveyance: came into court also Moses Hustead and Margaret his wife to Michael Greathouse for 50 acres ordered to be recorded 1799 - Return of Benjamin Bartletts, Comm. Greathouse, John; white males age 16 or over: 1; horses: 2. Certified on 13 Jul 1799, Benjamin Wilson, Clk. Return of Joseph Davidson, Comm. Apr 9 - Adams, Nathaniel; white males age over 16: 1; horses: 6. Certified on 11 Jul 1799, Benjamin Wilson, Comm. 1799, Oct 22 - Nathaniel Adams vs Harman Greathouse and John McCully Ordered that a supn issue to John McCully as garnashee contd... 1799, Nov 20 - Nathanel Adams vs Harman Greathouse When an all asht? John McCullough Garnashee sworn who declared he had no property of the defendant's [Harman Greathouse] in his hands. Dismissed. 1800, Feb 18 - Harrison County Court Wm Maulsby vs Wm Greathouse - Ind't 20 dollars interest Jany 1799. 1800, Mar 18 - Harrison County Court Com'th vs Rhodam Rogers - jury included Wm Greathouse. 1800 - Return of Benjamin Bartlett, Comm. Greathouse, John; white males age 16 or over: 1; horses: 2. Certified by Benjamin Wilson, Clk. Return of Joseph Davidson, Comm. Apr 12 - Greathouse, Michael; white males age 16 or over: 1; horses: 2. Certified by Benjamin Wilson, Clk. 1800, Dec 16 - Harrison County Court M... and Davisson vs Wm Geathouse - Judgt 5 lbs 15 and 1/2 and costs. 1801, Nov 8 - Marriage Bond: Leonard Greathouse to Sarah Parsons Know all men by these presents that we Leonard Greathouse and John Cozad of Harrison County are held and firmly bound unto James Wood in the sum of $150 which payment will and truly to be made and we bind our selves our heirs, executors also firmly by these presents witness our hands and Seals this 8th day of November 1801. The condition of the above obligation is such that should there be no lawful cause to obstruct a marriage intended between Leonard Greathouse and Sarah Parsons of said county then this obligation to be void els to remain in full force and virtue. Leonard Greathouse Teste 1802, Jan 20 - Harrison County Court Enos Tyson vs Wm Greathouse (now dec'd) - dismissed judgt for Deft. William Greathouse vs Walter Cunningham - or'd cont. 1802, Feb 7 - Harrison County Court Wm Greathouse vs Walter Cunningham - judgt for ten dollars interest from 1st Oct 1800 plus costs. Page 237, Adam Hickman vs William Greathouse - or'd cont. 1803, Jan 28 - Harrison County Court: Page 242, Daniel Capito vs William Greathouse Judgmt. 14 - 5 -10 int. 28 Nov 1800 & costs 1803, May 9 - Marriage Bond: Susana Greathouse married Adam Parsons Know all men by these presents, that we Adam Parsons and Henry Flesher are held and firmly bound unto John Page Governor of Virginia, in the just and full sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, to which payment well and truly to be made, to the said Governor or his successors, we bind our selves, and each of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals and dated this 9th day of May 1803. The condition of the above Oligation is such, that whereas there is a Marriage shortly intended to be solemnized between Adam Parsons & Susana Greathouse both of full age now if there be no lawful cause to object the said Marriage, then the above Obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Signed sealed and delivered in presence of } Adam Parsons {seal} 1803, Aug 28 - Harrison County Court: Page 320, Daniel Capito vs William Greathouse Same notice proven. Judgement for $8 25 int. with costs 1805, Mar 18 - Harrison County Court Page 105, Michael Greathouse vs John Hays - By consent of the parties the Defendant Confesses Judgement for the sum of Eighteen dollars though it is considered by this court that the (PLH, plaintiff? or sheriff?) recovers the sum aforesaid together with his costs about his ... expenditures.
1805, Jul 15 - Harrison County Court: Page 330, William Greathouse vs Charles Parsons Cohy... motion of def. for dismissal for want of security for security costs. Judgmt for def. Sources: Harrison County, VA, Harrison County Court Minutes 1784 - 1792, Hacker's Creek Pioneer Descendants, 2001, Page 40. Online: http://www.hackerscreek.com/HarrisonMin.htm. Ibid., Harrison County Court, Page 41. Ibid., Harrison County Court, Page 50. Ibid., Harrison County Court, Page 52. Ibid., Harrison County Court, Page 85. Ibid., Harrison County Court, Page 102. Ibid., Harrison County Court, Page 108. Nettie Schreiner-Yantis and Florene Speakman Love, The Personal Property Tax Lists for the Year 1787 for Harrison County, Virginia [now West Virginia]. Genealogy Books in Print, Springfield, Virginia, 1987. Page 535. Ibid., Harrison County Court Minutes 1784 - 1792, Page 142, 144. Ibid., Harrison County Court Minutes 1784 - 1792, Page 158-159. Harrison County, VA; Personal Property Tax List 1785 - 1808, microfilm, MI63/4, roll 31 [filmed at Library of Virginia]. WV Archives, Charleston, WV. Greathouse and associated ancestor extract. Online: http://greathouse.us/county/w-va/harrison/tax-va-harrison-1785-1808.htm. Ibid., Harrison County Court Minutes 1784 - 1792, Page 161. Ibid., Harrison County Court Minutes 1784 - 1792, Page 231. WV Culture, Archives and History Library, Vital Research Records, Marriages: Gabriel Greathouse and Mary Husted. Charleston, WV. Online: http://www.footnote.com/image/228294529 Ibid., Harrison County Court Minutes 1784 - 1792, Page 243. Ibid., Harrison County Court Minutes, Page 393 - 394. Harrison County, WV; Will Book 1, Will: William Greathouse Sr., Page 3: online: http://www.footnote.com/image/228639849 ; Page 4: online http://www.footnote.com/image/228639850. Ibid., Harrison County Court Minutes 1784 - 1792, Page 402-403. Ibid., WV A&H Library, Vital Research Records, Marriages: John Greathouse and Milly Gillaspy. Charleston, WV. Online: http://www.footnote.com/image/226405712 Harrison County, WV, Marriage Bonds 1, Marriages: Susana Greathouse and Adam Parsons, page 492. Online: http://www.footnote.com/image/228639855 |
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