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Greathouse Point > Greathouse Archives > USA > PA > Philadelphia County > Greathouse of Philadelphia County, PA |
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Greathouse of Philadelphia County, PA Do you have any Greathouse kith and kin who resided in Philadelphia County, PA? If so, please join us in our efforts to better document the Greathouse kith and kin who lived in this county, by sending your additions and corrections to Greathouse Point. Greathouse and the Palatine Emigration of 1709 From 1684 to 1752 the boundary lines for Philadelphia County, PA remained unchanged. It is during this time period when we find the earliest records for Greathouse kith and kin who settled on Springfield Manor, Philadelphia County, PA. Herman Groethausen was the first American Greathouse whom we can trace. He emigrated from Bielefeld, Ravensberg, Brandenburg to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania about 1710, during the Palatine emigration, where large numbers of Germans began leaving their homes in the Palatinate region of Germany for America. To learn more about the Palatine emigration, see: Palatines to America. Regarding Palatine Emigration The Reverend Henry Melchior Muehlenberg traveled throughout the Province of Pennsylvania after his emigration in 1742. He kept journals of his travels. In his journals, Rev. Muehlenberg commented on the Palatine emigration and early settlements in Pennsylvania. In his writings about the first and second distinct phases of Palatine emigration, he noted:
The first period of the emigration mentioned by Muehlenberg included the party led by the Reverend Francis Daniel Pastorius, who settled in the vicinity of Philadelphia that became known as Germantown. The second period was defined by the emigration of Palatine and Swiss Mennonites who settled on 10,000 acres of land near the head of the Pequea Creek in the part of Chester County that would become, in 1729, Lancaster County. The first of these emigrants arrived at Philadelphia on 23 September, 1710. "A twisted cord of many threads will not easily break." -- Rev. Heinrich Melchior Muhlenberg, August 15, 1748. View @ Google Books Greathouse kith and kin records found in the county: 1681 - Charles II granted William Penn a charter to the land west of the Delaware river. 1682 - PHILADELPHIA was created as one of three original counties, no territorial limits were specified [not mapped]. (Bronner, 31-35; Hottenstein and Welch, 24, 37, 108; Penn, 2:299) 1685, Apr 01 - PHILADELPHIA boundaries were defined; PHILADELPHIA was created in 1682, but no territorial limits were specified. (Pennsylvania Provincial Council, 1:73-74) 1709, Oct 30-31 - Land Lease and Release: Herman Groethousen obtained a lease on 30 Oct 1709, with a release on 31 Oct 1709, for 500 acres of land in the inhabited region of Philadelphia, from William Penn in London, England Arcticle: 1709 - Land: Herman Groethousen 1709, Dec - Emigration [Derived from adjacent events]: Herman Groethausen may have departed on one of the ships that left port in Rotterdam, which sailed to London, England where the ships were delayed from continuing on to America for several months. No data concerning Herman's departure from a port has been found in extant ship lists of German emmigrants. 1710, Jun-Dec - Immigration [Derived from adjacent events]: Herman Groethausen may have arrived on one of the ships which carried immigrants to Phildelphia, Philadelphia County, PA via London, England and from the Palatinate region of Germany. No data concerning Herman's arrival have been found in extant ship lists of German immigrants. 1712, Nov 19 - Court: Herman Groethousen appeared before the commissioners of the Board of Property of the Province of Pennsylvania Aricle: 1712 - Court: Herman Groethousen
1715, Feb 27 - Letter from Hannah Penn to Thomas Story dated Ruscombe, Groethousen Plantation Article: 1715 - Letter: Hannah Penn to Thomas Story, Groethousen Plantation 1715, Between Feb 27 and Oct 21 - Herman Groethausen returned from London, England to Springfield Manor after meeting with Hannah Penn Footnotes:
1715, Oct 21 - Court: Herman Groethousen appeared before the commissioners of the Board of Property of the Province of Pennsylvania Article: 1715 - Court: Herman Groethousen 1715, Oct 27 - Warrant: 902. Harman Grathousan, 500 acres, Date of Warrant: October 27, 1715. Book D, Vol. 76, Page 280. Pensivania, ss Where as it hath been made apeartous that Herman Groethousen late of Germany, but now in the Province having Purchased of one Coll. Redegelt nine Thousand Acres of Land part of ten Thousand Granted by the Proprietor to the said Redegelt to be laid out in this Province. Did upon an agreement with the said Proprietor in London in ye Year 1709 Surrender and Resign unto him and his Heirs all those the said nine Thousand Acres of Land purchased as aforesaid, In Exchange for which the Proprietor by Deeds of Lease & Release dated ye 30th & 31st days of December in the said Yeare Granted to im the said Herman the Quantity of five hundred acres which by the said Agreement th'o not expressed in the said Deeds was to be laid out in some of the most convenient and Nearest Lands to the City of Philadia that the Proprietr. then had. Whereupon the said Herman Arriving with his family in this Province, Pitched and Seated himself upon part of the Mannor of Springfield, of which by Recommendations from the Proprietors family in England he Requests a Legal Survey may be made inorder to a further confirmation. These therefore are to Authorize & Require thee to survey or cause to be survey'd to the said Herman the said Quantity of five Hundred Acres of Land in the aforesaid Mannor (including his improvements) in one Regular Tract with as little disadvantage to the Residue of said Mannor as it may well be done. To be holden of the Properiet'r & his Heirs under the Yearly quit rent of peny Sterling for every Acre there of. and make a Return of the same in to the Secretarys Office. Given under our hands and seal of the Province at Philadelphia ye 27th of ye 10mo Anno Din 1715. To Jacob Taylor Survey'r General Richard Hill, Isaac Norris and James Logan Survey'd May ye 2d 1726 In Testimony: that the above is a copy of the original remaining on file in the Department of Internal Affairs of Pennsylvania, made conformably to an Act of Assembly approved the 16th day of February 1833, I have hereunto set my Hand and caused the Seal of said Department to be affixed at Harrisburg, this thirteenth day of November 1909. Henry Houch, Secretary of Internal Affairs. 1715, Dec 27 - Draft [of Survey]: 939. Harman Grathausan, 500 acres, Date of Survey [Draft]: December 27, 1715. Book D, Vol. 76, Page 38. Harman Groethouson, 500 Acres in the Mannor of Springfield 1716, Apr 6 - Extract: Will of Cornelius Tyson Name: Cornelius Tyson 1717, Oct 18 - Extract: Will of William Streipers Name: William Streipers 1718, Nov 5 - Extract: Will of Ludwick Christian Sprugoll Name: Ludwick Christian Sprugoll 1719, Sep 21 - Extract: Will of George Muller Name: George Müller Note: This appears to have been the only record in which John Groethausen, son of Herman Groethausen [relationship established in 1743 will of Herman], was named as Johann Adolf Grotthausen. 1720, Jun 10 - Land Purchase: George Ruger [Rex] purchased 27 acres from Claus Braun on the road leading from Philadelphia to North Wales [now Germantown Avenue at Chestnut Hill]. Note: George Rex's first wife was Barbara ?, whom he married in Germantown, about 1719. Barbara ? may have been born between 1682 and 1704. Was Barbara ? a Greathouse? [A question which was asked in a recent query from a descendant of George Rex, due to the common appearance of George and Barbara Rex, Herman Groethausen and his son, John and the Ottingers in later records of the county]. 1720, Nov 10 – Marriage: Christ Church - John Grothouse and Amelia Miller John Grothouse married Amelia Miller at Christ Church. Both were of Philadelphia. Record book: 1709-1800. 1723 - Herman Greathouse was collector of taxes. 1725, Aug 18 - Extract: Will of Henry Snider Name: Henry Snider 1726, May 2 - Survey Return: 966. Herman Grathousan, 500 Acres, Dates of Survey: May 2, 1726. Book D, Vol. 76, Page 281. By Virtue of a Warrant from the Commissioners of Property bearing date 27th day of the 10th Month 1715, I have survey'd and Laid out to Harman Groethausen five hundred acres of Land in the Mannor of Springfield in the County of Philadelphia. Beginning at a Post in a line of Germantown Land and at a Corner of William Harmer's Land. Thence North East by the said Harmer's land Eighty nine perches to a Great Corner Poplar. Then by the said Harmer's Land North West One Hundred and thirteen perches to a hickery tree. Then North East by the said Harmer's Land one hundred fifty six perches to a black oak. Then by the said Mannor North West one hundred eighty six perches to a post. Then by another Tract of William Harmer's land South West two hund'd forty five perches to a post. Then by the said Germantown line South East three hundred ninety perches to the place of Beginning survey'd the second day of May 1726. Returned into the Secretary's office June the 11th 1726. Jacob Taylor In Testimony: that the above is a copy of the original remaining on file in the Department of Internal Affairs of Pennsylvania, made conformably to an Act of Assembly approved the 16th day of February 1833, I have hereunto set my Hand and caused the Seal of said Department to be affixed at Harrisburg, this sixth day of December 1909. Henry Houch, Secretary of Internal Affairs. 1726, May 2 - Draft of Survey Revised: Herman Groethousen 500 Acres in the Mannor of Springfield. Survey completed on 2 May 1726. Surveyed the second day of May 1726 by Warrant from the commissionsers of Property dated the 27th of December 1715. [ Page 38 | Page 39 ] Returned in to ye Secretary's office Jan 17th 1733. In Testimony: that the above is a copy of the original remaining on file in the Department of Internal Affairs of Pennsylvania, made conformably to an Act of Assembly approved the 16th day of February 1833, I have hereunto set my Hand and caused the Seal of said Department to be affixed at Harrisburg, this twenty eighth day of December 1909. Henry Houch, Secretary of Internal Affairs. 1726, May 3 - Land Sale: Harman Groethausen sold 50 acres of land to Christopher Ottinger Harman Groethausen sold 50 acres of land to Christopher Ottinger. Ottinger's 50 acres was surveyed on 3'd of May 1726. 1728, Jan 16 - Estate of Hieronimus Doderer [George Phillip]: Letters of Administration On the 16th day of January, 1728, letters of administration upon the estate of Hieronimus Doderer, deceased, were granted to his widow Catharine, who before this date had married Michael Krause. The sureties on the administration bond were John Greathouse, Balthus Fauts and Michael Krause. 1728, Aug 12 - The Nuncupative Will of Reverend Anthony Jacob Henckel Anthony Jacob Henkel (Henckel) of Hanonver Township in the county of Philadelphia, in the province of Pennsylvania, Clerk (Minister) being sick and weak in body, but of sound mind and memory, did in the province of us the subscribers declare this last will and testament in manner hereinafter following, that is to say: First, that the testator did give and bequeath unto his wife Maria Elizabeth during her widowhood the possession and enjoyment of all his the said testators estate, real and personal, and that if said wife should marry again that then she should have only a third part of his personal estate, and one-third part of the income of his real estate as usually allowed by law. Second, also he the said testator did give, devise, and bequeath unto his two youngest sons, John Justus and Anthony Jacob, and to their heirs and assigns forever, all of his the said testator's plantation and tract of 250 acres of land situated in New Hanover Township aforesaid, to be equally divided between his said two sons share and share alike whereof they shall be possessed after their mother's decease or marrying, whichever should first happen, after which possession they, his two sons, John Justus and Jacob Anthony, should by equal contributions pay out of the said testators real estate the full sum of 100 pounds of lawful money of Pennsylvania to be equally divided amongst and paid unto the said testator's five other children, namely, Gerhard Anthony, George Rodolphus, Johanna Fredrika, or her heirs, Maria Elizabeth, and Maria Catherine, share and share alike. Third, also, the said testator did give, devise, and bequeath unto his aforesaid eldest son, Gerhard Anthony, the sum of five shillings, or the value of them of over and above his equal share of ye 100 pounds aforesaid. In testimony to the truth whereof we the subscribers have set our hands in evidence in witness hereunto. Dated the twelfth day of August, Anno Domini, one thousand seven hundred and twenty eight. Herman Groothausen (L. S.) 1728, Aug 17 - Letters of Administration: Estate of Anthon Jacobus Henkel (To whom it may concern). There personally appeared Herman Groothausen, Hans Michael Schwenstock, and George Ruger, witness to the foregoing, nun-cupative will and on their oath did declare that the testator Anthony Jacob Henkel, on the twelfth day of this instant, August, fell off his horse on the road from Philadelphia to his house in New Hanover Township, which disabled him, and he was carried to the house of the deponent Herman Groothausen in the manor of Springfield, where the testator lying very ill, bid the deponents take notice that the contents of the within and above writing was his will, and the deponents do say that the testator at the time of speaking the said nun-cupative will was of sound mind, memory, and understanding, to the best of their knowledge and belief. Peter Evans, Reg.-General "George Ruger" appeared at Philadelphia Court on 17 August 1728 and swore that he witnessed Pastor Anthony Jacob Henkel's nuncupative will on 12 August 1728. 1729, Jun 8 - George Ruger purchased 60 acres in Philadelphia County from William Harmer. 1732, Feb 27 - Extract: Will of Hans Michel Schiebenstock Name: Hans Michel Schiebenstock 1732, Mar 22 - Springfield Mannor: List of Landowners A Draught of Springfield Mannor in the County of Philadelphia Performed on the 22d day of March 1732 by Nicholas Scull and found to contain 1010 by _____ there has been: 1715 Herman Groethausen at ...500 1733 - Immigration: Carl Valentine Michael Schuett Alphabetical list of immigrants to Pennsylvania during its provincial period, who are believed to have been of Huguenot origin. Extracts from no. 7820, Rupp, and no. 1804, Egle. Mostly French, some German. Schuett, Carl Val Mich 1733 - Single Freeman: Carl Valentin Michael Schutz renting land from Peter Knous Among the renters in 1733 in this sparsely settled area was Carl Valentin Michael Schutz, a house carpenter. Presumably a recent emigrant, he was probably living on the forty-acre tract on the north slope of the hill, which he finally purchased for L60 in 1741 from Peter Knous, a cooper of Springfield Manor, and his wife Margaret Dewees. No data concerning Michael Schutz's arrival has been found in extant ship lists of German immigrants. 1733, Jun 22 - Marriage: Carl Valentine Michael Schuett married Juliana Lips Extract from Hannah Benner Roach, "Back Part of Germantown": Possibly some of these neighbors were present when in the early summer of 1733 Michael Schutz took unto himself a wife. His choice settled upon Juliana Lips, a young woman of twenty-five who had arrived on the ship Adventure the previous September from Rotterdam. She probably came over with one Heinrich Lips, presumed to be her brother. As no further data has been found on him, it is possible he died soon after landing. The young recently ordained Lutheran preacher Johann Casper Stoever officiated at their marriage on June 22 and entered their nuptials upon his records with the notation that both were "of Chestnut Hill". 1733, Dec 16 - Baptism: Margretha Barbara, daughter of Leonhardt Kueffer Barbara Rueger and Christoph Ottinger stood as sponsors at the baptism of Margaretha Barbara, daughter of Leonhardt Kueffer. 1733, Dec 22 - Georg Rueger was granted a patent for 400 acres on a branch of Trout Creek in Heidelberg Township, Bucks [now Lehigh] County. 1734 - Springfield Township (List of Landowners in 1734) Harman Greathouse (260) 1734, Jan 20 - Birth: Twin daughters born to Carl Valentine Michael Schuett Carl Valentine Michael Schuett, (Chestnut Hill). 1738 - Founded: St. Michael's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Germantown Article: 1738 - Founded: St. Michael's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Germantown 1740, Mar 25 - Julian Calendar: First Day of Year 1740, Sep 25-27 – Court: Naturalization of Henry and John Greathouse Article: 1740 – Court: Naturalization of Henry and John Greathouse 1740, Nov 24 - Deed: Herman Groethausen, "Springfield yeoman", deeded 109 acres to his son John -- "consideration, love, good will and fatherly affection and L 13, 10 s." 1741, Mar 25 - Julian Calendar: First Day of Year 1741-1755 - Derived Birth: Elizabeth Greathouse Article: 1745-1755 - Derived Birth: Elizabeth Greathouse 1741, Apr 8 - Land Sell: Peter Knous and wife Margaret Dewees to Michael Schutz Recorded on 26 Nov 1756. 1741, Oct 17 - Passenger List: Ship Molly, Johan Lenhart Beyer Article: 1741 - Passenger List: Ship Molly, Johan Lenhart Beyer 1742, Mar 25 - Julian Calendar: First Day of Year 1742, Apr 14 - Will Index: George McCall, Administrator: Nicholas Stull Name: George McCall 1742, Sep 21 - List of Foreigners Imported in the Ship Francis and Elizabeth, Gro. North, From Rotterdam. Qualified Sept. 21, 1742 [ View @ Footnote ] Melchior Hirtzel Footnotes: 1) Melchior Hirtzel was the father of Jacob Hartsel Esquire, who married Catharina Greathouse in Turkeyfoot, Bedford County, PA, about 1779. [Source: Hartsel descendant] 2) Catharina, daughter of William & Barbara Schuetz Greathouse, was born 23 Sep 1757 and baptised 16 Oct 1757 at St. Michael's Lutheran Church, Germantown, Philadelphia County, PA. 1742, Oct 20 - Will Index: John Rabenstock, Philadelphia County, PA, Witness: Herman Groothouse Name: John Rabenstock Article: 1742 - Will Index: John Rabenstock 1743, Oct 19 - Will Index: Harman Grothansen, Philadelphia County, PA Name: Harman Grothansen Article: 1743 - Will: Harman Grothausen 1743 - Headstone: Harman Grothaus Article: 1743 - Headstone: Harman Grothaus 1744, Mar 25 - Julian Calendar: First Day of Year 1744, Dec 27 – Marriage: Rebecca Greathouse and Leonard Streeper Article: 1744 - Marriage: Rebecca Greathouse and Leonard Streeper 1744, Feb 23 - Will Index: Henry Groothouse, Heidlebergh, Lancaster County, PA Name: Henry Groothouse Article: 1744 - Will: Henry Greathouse 1745, Mar 25 - Julian Calendar: First Day of Year 1745 - Headstone: Henry Grothaus Article: 1745 - Headstone: Henry Grothaus 1745, Feb 12 - Marriage: Paul and Kellerschen, Witness: Leonhardt Beyer Article: 1745 - Marriage: Paul and Kellerschen, Witness: Leonhardt Beyer 1745, Jun 2 - Baptism: Anna Maria Schellmeier, Witness: Herman Grothauss Article: 1745 - Baptism: Anna Maria Schellmeier, Witness: Herman Grothauss 1746, Mar 25 - Julian Calendar: First Day of Year 1747, Apr 12 - Baptism: Rachel Greathouse Article: 1747 - Baptism: Rachel Greathouse 1748, Aug 15 - First Convention, Evangelical Lutheran Ministerium of Pennsylvania Article: 1748 - First Convention, Evangelical Lutheran Ministerium of Pennsylvania 1750, Jan 17 - Will: Antony Henckel Name: Antony Henckel Article: 1750 - Will: Anthony Hinkle Jr. 1757, Feb 19 - Advertisement: Sale of Plantation with Tile Kiln by Johann Grothausz Article: 1757 - Advertisement: Sale of Plantation with Tile Kiln by Johann Grothausz 1764, Aug 27 - Journal of Johannes Herbergs: "Hermen [Grothus] came from Bielefeld" Article: 1764 - Journal of Johannes Herbergs: "Hermen [Grothus] came from Bielefeld" 1769, Jun 25 - Dedication: Zion Church, Philadelphia City Article: 1769 - Dedication: Zion Church, Philadelphia City 1777, Sep 15 - Will: John Grothouse of Springfield Name: John Grothouse Article: 1777 - Will: John Greathouse of Springfield 1795, Mar 5 - Will: Wigard Miller of Germantown Article: 1795 - Will: Wigard Miller of Germantown 1796, Oct 31 - Estate: Administrator's Bond, John Groethaus Article: 1796 - Estate: Administrator's Bond, John Groethaus Sources: Adrian B. Ettlinger, The AniMap County Boundary Historial Atlas.Software Version 3.0, Release 2, 1991-2008. Dieter Pesch, editor, Brave New World: Rhinelanders Conquer America. The Journal of Johannes Herbergs. Guides and Papers of the Rheinisches Freilichtmuseum and the Landesmuseum für Volkskunde at Kommern, No. 61. (Germany: Martina Galunder-Verlag, 2001). Page 95. Order at Amazon.com. Vivian Taylor, Bielefeld: German Home of Herman Grothaus. View @ GHC Vivian Taylor, Sketch of German History Before the Birth of Herman Grothaus in 1760, Summary Statement. View @ GHC Vivian Taylor, Changes in Bielefeld's Political Status. View @ GHC Palatines To America. Online: http://palam.org Larry Smith, webmaster, Mother Bedford: The Pennsyvania Frontier of the 1700s. The Early Settlers of Mother Bedford: The Germans - The Journey to the Island of Pennsylvania, Page 13. View @ Mother Bedford Evangelical Lutheran Ministerium of Pennsylvania and the Adjacent States, Documentary history of the Evangelical Lutheran ministerium of Pennsylvania and adjacent states: Proceedings of the annual conventions from 1748 to 1821, Board of Publication of the General Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in North America, 1898. Original from Harvard University, Digitized Sep 11, 2007. Page 94, "A twisted cord of many threads will not easily break." -- Heinrich Melchior Muhlenberg, August 15, 1748. View @ Google Books Pennsylvania Archives, Series 2, Volume XIX, Minutes of the Board of Property of the Province of Pennsylvania, Minute Book H. Page 538-539, 1712, Nov 19 - Court: Herman Groethousen appeared before the commissioners of the Board of Property of the Province of Pennsylvania. View @ Footnote [ Page 538 | Page 539 ] Sophie Hutchison Drinker, "Hannah Penn and the Proprietorship of Pennsylvania", Philadelphia Priv. print. under the auspices of the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1958. Alderman Library, Call Number: F152.2 .D77. Page 70, 1715, Feb 27 - Letter from Hannah Penn to Thomas Story dated Ruscombe, Groethousen Plantation. Pennsylvania Archives, Series 2, Volume XIX, Minutes of the Board of Property of the Province of Pennsylvania, Minute Book H. Page 595-596, 1715, Oct 21 - Court: Herman Groethousen appeared before the commissioners of the Board of Property of the Province of Pennsylvania. View @ Footnote [ Page 595 | Page 596 ] RG-17 Records of the Land Office, Philadelphia Old Rights (INDEX), 1682-1745. {series # 17.79}. Page D-76-280, Digital online: http://www.phmc.state.pa.us/bah/dam/rg/di/r17-114CopiedSurveyBooks/Books%20D1-D90/Book%20D76/Book%20D-76%20pg%20559.pdf. RG-17 Records of the Land Office, Philadelphia Old Rights (INDEX), 1682-1745. {series # 17.79}. Page D-76-281 Reverse, Digital online: http://www.phmc.state.pa.us/bah/dam/rg/di/r17-114CopiedSurveyBooks/Books%20D1-D90/Book%20D76/Book%20D-76%20pg%20561.pdf. Philadelphia County, PA, Survey: Herman Groethousen 500 acres in the Mannor of Springfield. Date of Survey Draft: December 27, 1715. Book D, Vol. 76, Page 38 - Online: http://www.phmc.state.pa.us/bah/dam/rg/di/r17-114CopiedSurveyBooks/Books%20D1-D90/Book%20D76/Book%20D-76%20pg%2075.pdf Philadelphia County Wills, 1682-1819. Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1900. Extract: Will of Cornelius Tyson. Philadelphia County Wills, 1682-1819. Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1900. Extract: Will of William Streepers. Philadelphia County Wills, 1682-1819. Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1900. Extract: Will of Ludwick Christian Sprugoll. Philadelphia County Wills, 1682-1819. Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1900. Extract: Will of George Muller. Doris Rex Schutte, George Rex (1682-1772) of Germantown, Pennsylvania, National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume 68, Issue 4, December 1980. Page 243. Land Purchase: George Ruger [Rex]. Christ Church of Philadelphia, PA. Marriage: Christ Church - John Grothouse and Amelia Miller. Website, online: http://www.christchurchphila.org. William J. Buck, Springfield Township, Bean's History of Montgomery County, PA, 1884. Herman Greathouse, tax collector, 1723. Page 1072. Online: http://files.usgwarchives.net/pa/montgomery/history/local/mchb0067.txt. Philadelphia County Wills, 1682-1819. Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1900. Extract: Will of Henry Snider. RG-17 Records of the Land Office, Philadelphia Old Rights (INDEX), 1682-1745. {series # 17.79}. Page D-76-281 Reverse, Digital online: http://www.phmc.state.pa.us/bah/dam/rg/di/r17-114CopiedSurveyBooks/Books%20D1-D90/Book%20D76/Book%20D-76%20pg%20561.pdf Philadelphia County, PA, Survey: Herman Groethousen 500 acres in the Mannor of Springfield. Online: [ Page 38 | Page 39 ] Henry S. Dotterer, The Dotterer Family, Philadelphia, PA, 1903. Page 41. Online: http://books.google.com/books?id=xSZKAAAAMAAJ Nuncupative Will of Reverend Anthony Jacob Henckel, source ? Philadelphia County, PA, Letters of Administration: Estate of Anthon Jacobus Henkel. Reg. Office, Philadelphia, Book C, page 109. Doris Rex Schutte, George Rex (1682-1772) of Germantown, Pennsylvania, National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume 68, Issue 4, December 1980. Page 243. "Georg Ruger" witnessed Pastor Anthony Jacob Henke's nuncupative will on 12 Aug 1728. Doris Rex Schutte, George Rex (1682-1772) of Germantown, Pennsylvania, National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume 68, Issue 4, December 1980. Page 243. Georg Ruger purchased 60 acres from William Harmer. Philadelphia County Wills, 1682-1819. Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1900. Extract: Will of Hans Michel Schiebenstock. Velma Thorne Carter, Penn's Manor of Springfield, Bicentennial Committee of Board of Commissioners, 1976. Page 25. Online: http://www.springfield-montco.org/usr/docs/about/penns-manor.pdf. Ammon Stapleton. "General List of Huguenot Immigrants to Pennsylvania." In Memorials of the Huguenots in America, with Special Reference to Their Emigration to Pennsylvania. Carlisle, PA: Huguenot Publishing, 1901, pp. 147-157. Reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, 1969. Page 156, Schuett, Carl Val Mich. Hannah Benner Roach, "Back Part of Germantown: A Reconstruction", Jefferson M. Moak, Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, 2001. ISBN 188709914x, 97817887099141. Page 2. Single Freeman: Carl Valentin Michael Schutz renting land from Peter Knous. Hannah Benner Roach, "Back Part of Germantown: A Reconstruction", Jefferson M. Moak, Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, 2001. ISBN 188709914x, 97817887099141. Page 7: Marriage of Michael Schutz and Luliana Lips. Strassburger and Hinke, Pennsyvania-German Pioneers, Vol. I, 84-85, Lists 23-A-B-C. Immigration of Heinrich and Juliana Lips, arrived in Philadelphia on the Adventure, from Rotterdam. Doris Rex Schutte, George Rex (1682-1772) of Germantown, Pennsylvania, National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume 68, Issue 4, December 1980. Page 243, Baptism: Margretha Barbara Kueffer. Doris Rex Schutte, George Rex (1682-1772) of Germantown, Pennsylvania, National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume 68, Issue 4, December 1980. Page 243, Land Patent: Georg Rueger, 400 acres. E. Gordon Aldefer, The Montgomery County Story, Commissioners of Montgomery County, PA, 1951. Page 270: List of Landowners in 1734, Harman Greathouse and John Greathouse. Records of Rev. John Caspar Stoever: Baptismal and Marriage 1730-1779, Harrisburg, PA: Harrisburg Publishing Company, 1896. Page 7: Birth and Baptism: Maria Barbara Schuett, daughter of Carl Valentine Michael Schuett. Online: http://www.archive.org/stream/recordsofrevjohn01stoe#page/7/mode/1up. Elizabeth P. Bentley, Early Lutheran Baptisms and Marriages in Southeastern Pennsylvania: The Records of Rev. John Casper Stoever from 1730 to 1779, with an index. Baltimore, MD: Clearfield Company Inc. and Genealogical Publishing Company, 2006. Page 7. Online: http://books.google.com/books?id=54amMIKBRQEC. Pennsylvania Archives, Series 2, Volume II, Persons Naturalized in the Province of Pennsylvania, online: http://www.footnote.com/image/3244812 . Page 295-298. Office of the Philadelphia Recorder of Deeds, Deed Book G 1, Philadelphia County, PA, Page 214: Deed: Herman Groethausen to his son John Groethausen. Philadelphia Deed Book H-5 606: 8 Apr 1741, Peter Knous and Margaret to Michael Schitz [recorded 26 Nov 1756]. Pennsylvania Archives, Series 2, Volume XVII, Names of Foreigners who took the Oath of Allegiance, 1727-1775. Page: 221, Johan Lenhart Beyer. Genius of Liberty or Fayette Advisor, Uniontown, PA; 23 Mar 1819. Death Notice of Mrs. Elizabeth Hill. Philadelphia County Wills, 1682-1819. Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1900. 1742, Apr 14 - Will Index: George McCall, Administrator: Nicholas Stull. Pennsylvania Archives, Series 2, Vol. XVII, Names of Foreigners who took the Oath of Allegiance, 1727-1775. Page: 232, Melchior Hirtzel. View @ Footnote Philadelphia County Wills, 1682-1819. Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1900. 1742, Oct 20 - Will Index: John Rabenstock, Philadelphia County, PA, Witness: Herman Groothouse. Philadelphia County Wills, 1682-1819. Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1900. 1743, Oct 19 - Will Index: Harman Grothansen, Philadelphia County, PA. Philadelphia County Wills, 1682-1819. Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1900. 1744, Jan 3 - Will Index: Henry Groothouse, Heidlebergh, Lancaster County, PA. Philadelphia County Wills, 1682-1819. Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1900. 1750, Jan 17 - Will: Antony Henckel, Trustees: John Grethausen and Anthony Gilbert. |
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